This is just a simple wrapper around reckon-core module of ajoberstar/reckon. It allows one to use git tag based version inference outside of any particular (build) tool.
Usage: reckon-standalone [options]
--usage <bool>
Print usage and exit
--help | -h <bool>
Print help message and exit
--scope <string?>
Optional scope to pass to reckoner. One of "major", "minor", "patch". Defaults to "minor".
--stage <string?>
Optional stage to pass to reckoner. Defaults to "rc".
--git-dir <string>
Location of .git directory. Defaults to ".git"
# download coursier
curl -Lo coursier && chmod +x coursier
# infer version
version=$(coursier launch \
-r '' \
com.github.james64:reckon-standalone:0.0.1 \
-- --scope=minor --stage=final)
# create tag
git tag $version
# run release
# push/remove tag
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
git push --tags
git tag -d tag