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The premier online educational resource on homie kissing


Like so many things, this project started with those small yet powerful words; "Wouldn't it be funny if..."

This project aims to serve as an open design project, building a style library to ensure that learning about whether kissing your homies goodnight is gay is not only educational, but also fun. As a secondary purpose, I hope this project can be a place where budding web developers can dip their toes into the wide world of open-source development by only needing some CSS and a few lines of JSON to get started contributing.


The idea behind this project is to create some basic dynamic web content without forcing the client to perform additional work generating or fetching said content, using a basic form of Server Side Rendering. The end result is a two-part project consisting of a web server written in Rust and a simple templating system. When someone accesses the website, the server looks at the library of available styles and picks one at random to inject into the HTML template before serving it back to the client. This way no code needs to be executed by the client, and no additional network requests need to be made to deliver stylesheets or optional JavaScript.


To get started, you probably want to be able to run the development server to be able to preview your contribution!

Installing dependencies

Currently, building this project requires

  • Git, to be able to clone this repository
  • Entr, for the automatically recompiling dev server
  • Curl, to be able to install some other dependencies
  • Node 16
  • A Rust compiler and Cargo build system
  • A linker (cc)
  • GNU Make
  • (Optional) openssl-dev to build the server with HTTPS support

The following steps should allow you to install them

  1. Install the most readily available dependencies from your package manager of choice
    Ubuntu (and other Debian derivatives): sudo apt install git curl gcc make entr
    Fedora: sudo dnf install git curl gcc make entr

  2. Install the Rust build system
    See for the recommended install method

  3. Install Node 16
    I recommend doing this by installing nvm (see:,
    then installing Node 16 with nvm install 16 && nvm use 16.
    Node can also be installed from some package managers, but shipped versions may vary

Building the server

First, clone this repository using git clone, and move into the cloned repository with cd Now, simply run the build script by running make, and the project will build! The first time building might take a while, as you're going to be fetching and building a lot of dependencies from NPM and Cargo. After the first build process, these will be reused and the process should complete in a matter of seconds

Finally, you can now run the server by running (cd build; ./server)! You should see the server starting in your terminal, and can see the site by opening https://localhost:8080 in a web browser!

Getting started on a contribution

  • Run the script helpers/add_style to create your style files in the right place. Note the link this gives you at the end!
  • Build the project by running make if you have not already done so, and launch it
  • Open a second terminal in the repo, and run make watch
  • Now edit your style and script file, every time you save your edits, the make watch action will push your changes to the server, simply refresh the page to see your changes

That's it!

Once you're happy with your contribution, create a pull request to have it added to the actual webpage!


  1. You may not edit or affect other contributors' styles. A typical contribution should only touch src/styles/<your username>/, src/scripts/<your username>/ and contributors.json.
  2. The word "No" should be clearly readable on the page when your style and/or script is applied.
  3. Feel free to add additional build tools or technologies such as SASS or SCSS to the npm build action, as long as build times remain reasonable!

For a sample pull request, see #6