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Linear operators for discretizations of differential equations


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DiffEqOperators.jl provides a set of pre-defined operators for use with DifferentialEquations.jl. These operators make it easy to discretize and solve common partial differential equations.

Automated Finite Difference Method (FDM) Operators

This library provides lazy operators for arbitrary order uniform and non-uniform finite difference discretizations of arbitrary high derivative order and for arbitrarily high dimensions.

There are two types of DerivativeOperators: the CenteredDifference operator and the UpwindDifference operator. The CenteredDifference operator utilizes a central difference scheme while the upwind operator requires a coefficient to be defined to perform an upwinding difference scheme.

Operators Constructors

The constructors are as follows:

                      approximation_order::Int, dx,
                      len::Int, coeff_func=nothing)

                    approximation_order::Int, dx
                    len::Int, coeff_func=nothing)

The arguments are:

  • N: The directional dimension of the discretization. If N is not given, it is assumed to be 1, i.e. differencing occurs along columns.
  • derivative_order: the order of the derivative to discretize.
  • approximation_order: the order of the discretization in terms of O(dx^order).
  • dx: the spacing of the discretization. If dx is a Number, the operator is a uniform discretization. If dx is an array, then the operator is a non-uniform discretization.
  • len: the length of the discretization in the direction of the operator.
  • coeff_func: An operational argument for a coefficient function f(du,u,p,t) which sets the coefficients of the operator. If coeff_func is a Number then the coefficients are set to be constant with that number. If coeff_func is an AbstractArray with length matching len, then the coefficients are constant but spatially dependent.

N-dimensional derivative operators need to act against a value of at least N dimensions.


The 3-dimensional Laplacian is created by:

N = 64
Dxx = CenteredDifference(2,2,dx,N)
Dyy = CenteredDifference{2}(2,2,dx,N)
Dzz = CenteredDifference{3}(2,2,dx,N)
L = Dxx + Dyy + Dzz

u = rand(N,N,N)

Derivative Operator Actions

These operators are lazy, meaning the memory is not allocated. Similarly, the operator actions * can be performed without ever building the operator matrices. Additionally, mul!(y,L,x) can be performed for non-allocating applications of the operator.


The following concretizations are provided:

  • Array
  • SparseMatrixCSC
  • BandedMatrix
  • BlockBandedMatrix

Additionally, the function sparse is overloaded to give the most efficient matrix type for a given operator. For one-dimensional derivatives this is a BandedMatrix, while for higher dimensional operators this is a BlockBandedMatrix. The concretizations are made to act on vec(u).

Boundary Condition Operators

Boundary conditions are implemented through a ghost node approach. The discretized values u should be the interior of the domain so that, for the boundary value operator Q, Q*u is the discretization on the closure of the domain. By using it like this, L*Q*u is the NxN operator which satisfies the boundary conditions.

Periodic Boundary Conditions

The constructor PeriodicBC provides the periodic boundary condition operator.

Robin Boundary Conditions

The variables in l are [αl, βl, γl], and correspond to a BC of the form al*u(0) + bl*u'(0) = cl, and similarly r for the right boundary ar*u(N) + br*u'(N) = cl.

RobinBC(l::AbstractArray{T}, r::AbstractArray{T}, dx::AbstractArray{T}, order = one(T))

Additionally, the following helpers exist for the Neumann u'(0) = α and Dirichlet u(0) = α cases.

DirichletBC::AbstractVector{T}, dx::AbstractVector{T}, order = 1)
Neumann0BC(dx::Union{AbstractVector{T}, T}, order = 1)
NeumannBC::AbstractVector{T}, dx::AbstractVector{T}, order = 1)

General Boundary Conditions

Implements a generalization of the Robin boundary condition, where α is a vector of coefficients. Represents a condition of the form α[1] + α[2]u[0] + α[3]u'[0] + α[4]u''[0]+... = 0

GeneralBC(αl::AbstractArray{T}, αr::AbstractArray{T}, dx::AbstractArray{T}, order = 1)

Multidimensional Boundary Conditions

Q_dim = MultiDimBC(Q, size(u), dim)

turns Q into a boundary condition along the dimension dim. Additionally, to apply the same boundary values to all dimensions, one can use

Qx,Qy,Qz = MultiDimBC(YourBC, size(u)) # Here u is 3d

Multidimensional BCs can then be composed into a single operator with:

Q = compose(BCs...)

Operator Actions

The boundary condition operators act lazily by appending the appropriate values to the end of the array, building the ghost-point extended version for the derivative operator to act on. This utilizes special array types to not require copying the interior data.


The following concretizations are provided:

  • Array
  • SparseMatrixCSC

Additionally, the function sparse is overloaded to give the most efficient matrix type for a given operator. For these operators it's SparseMatrixCSC. The concretizations are made to act on vec(u).

GhostDerivative Operators

When L is a DerivativeOperator and Q is a boundary condition operator, L*Q produces a GhostDerivative operator which is the composition of the two operations.


The following concretizations are provided:

  • Array
  • SparseMatrixCSC
  • BandedMatrix

Additionally, the function sparse is overloaded to give the most efficient matrix type for a given operator. For these operators it's BandedMatrix unless the boundary conditions are PeriodicBC, in which case it's SparseMatrixCSC. The concretizations are made to act on vec(u).

Matrix-Free Operators

MatrixFreeOperator(f::F, args::N;
                   size=nothing, opnorm=true, ishermitian=false) where {F,N}

A MatrixFreeOperator is a linear operator A*u where the action of A is explicitly defined by an in-place function f(du, u, p, t).

Jacobian-Vector Product Operators


The JacVecOperator is a linear operator J*v where J acts like df/du for some function f(u,p,t). For in-place operations mul!(w,J,v), f is an in-place function f(du,u,p,t).

Operator Compositions

Multiplying two DiffEqOperators will build a DiffEqOperatorComposition, while adding two DiffEqOperators will build a DiffEqOperatorCombination. Multiplying a DiffEqOperator by a scalar will produce a DiffEqScaledOperator. All will inherit the appropriate action.

Efficiency of Composed Operator Actions

Composed operator actions utilize NNLib.jl in order to do cache-efficient convolution operations in higher dimensional combinations.


Linear operators for discretizations of differential equations







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  • Julia 99.7%
  • TeX 0.3%