- OAK-D camera kit
- Neural compute sticks
- USB enable GPS; Tested with VK-162 G-Mouse USB enabled GPS
- Laptop with Ubuntu 18.04
- Power supply for camera kit. Tested with Anker 10000mAH power bank
Software requirements:
Python Gen1 DepthAI for OAK-D sensor. Installation steps can be found here - https://github.com/luxonis/depthai. Note that OAK-D sensor is required.
OpenVINO for model optimization and pretrained models. Installation link: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/openvino_docs_install_guides_installing_openvino_linux.html
Open3D for point cloud processing, verison
Python GPSD package for GPS interface
Vosk speech recognition package. Installation steps here : https://github.com/alphacep/vosk-api
Festival Text-to-speech. https://github.com/usc-isi-i2/festival-text-to-speech-service/blob/master/README.md
Machine learning packages : Tensorflow (1.14.0), Tensofrlow Lite, Pytorch (Optional)
While this may be a large repo. The dataset and training scripts are separated for modularity and simplicity
Object detection model dataset 300x300 can be found here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HgLOO-HA3YntmjhF0FZvdrJhK-FmV-2C?usp=sharing
Object detection model dataset 400x400 can be found here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15UoVreqdEoQ1WpBIwM1z9L6P2A9vQ2om?usp=sharing
Object detection model dataset 450x450 can be found here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_M5pVEadWE7oauOXqa5TBtrvrJzqdpny?usp=sharing
Combined traffic dataset can be found here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K5g6XJF6RIMA_J82POtwkdnpHfuRRBa1?usp=sharing
Please follow this notebook for training object detection model : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cdTI74VYkdYkNlaIDGg9uCCxfIaFV2RI?usp=sharing The notebook also includes steps for optimizing models using OpenVINO.
script can be used to train MinniVGGNet for training on depth images for elevational changes
Please follow readme at cv_visual_assistance/src/ml/trafficsigns
for training TrafficSIgnNet
For details on OpenVINO optimization and inferencing please refer to cv_visual_assistance/src/perception/openvino/examples/README.md
Elevation model can be found here : cv_visual_assistance/src/perception/sensors/oakd/openvino_models/elevation_model/
OpenVINO semantic segmentation model along with other models can be found here : https://github.com/jaggiK/cv_visual_assistance/tree/master/src/perception/sensors/oakd/openvino_models/intel
Traffic sign model : cv_visual_assistance/src/perception/sensors/oakd/openvino_models/traffic_signs/
Vosk speech model: https://github.com/jaggiK/cv_visual_assistance/tree/master/src/perception/sensors/oakd/speech_model
Run python vosk_speech.py
from cv_visual_assistance/src/perception/sensors/oakd/
The above command will start the voice recognition system through which rest of the stack can be started via audio keywords.
say the word "start", this should run the multiple windows for GPS and perception. "exit" will terminate the processes.