Java 1.5 or above.
Read API documentation (https://latch.elevenpaths.com/www/developers/doc_api).
To get the "Application ID" and "Secret", (fundamental values for integrating Latch in any application), it’s necessary to register a developer account in Latch's website: https://latch.elevenpaths.com. On the upper right side, click on "Developer area".
Include all SDK files and dependencies in your project.
Create a Latch object with the "Application ID" and "Secret" previously obtained.
Latch latch = new Latch(APP_ID, SECRET);
- Call to Latch Server. Pairing will return an account id that you should store for future api calls
LatchResponse pairResponse = latch.pair(TOKEN);
LatchResponse statusResponse = latch.status(ACCOUNT_ID);
LatchResponse opStatusResponse = latch.operationStatus(ACCOUNT_ID, OPERATION_ID);
LatchResponse unpairResponse = latch.unpair(ACCOUNT_ID);
- After every API call, get Latch response data and errors and handle them.
JsonObject jObject = latchResponse.getData();
com.elevenpaths.latch.Error error = latchResponse.getError();
A javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException with a nested sun.security.validator.ValidatorException is thrown when invoking an API call.
This exception is normally thrown when the JDK doesn't trust the CA that signs the digital certificate used in Latch's website (https://latch.elevenpaths.com). You may need to install the CA (http://www.startssl.com/certs/ca.pem) as a trusted certificate in your JDK's truststore (normally in jre/lib/security/cacerts) using the keytool utility.