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This is a simple graphics library for creating 3D apps.

It features a "low level" graphics api abstraction layer called Gfx, supporting 4 backends :

  • OpenGL

  • Vulkan

  • Direct3D 11

  • Direct3D 12

It also features a "high level" api that is implemented on top of the low level api, called Hlgfx, that contains common abstractions for creating 3d apps, a bit like Three.js (Camera, 3D object, Meshes, Scene graph...).

This high level api is used to create a simple 3d engine as an example.

It's not a finished product, there are still some bugs to fixes and things to add to the libraries, but most of the system is working.

build instructions

Requirements :

Visual Studio (Tested only on Visual Studio 2019)

Latest [dxc]( release copied into the vendor/dxc folder

Commands :

### Clone the repo and checkout to the latest branch
git clone --recursive
cd gfx

### Generate the solution
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

### Build
cd ..

First build may take a while because it's going to build all the dependencies with the project.

Low level api features

Example Code

This is a very simple example usage of the Gfx api, to create a simple app that displays a textured triangle with a colour tint passed as a uniform variable : Here's the full code for that example.

We first initialize the graphics context and the swapchain :

// Initialize the graphics API
gfx::context::initializeInfo ContextInitialize;
ContextInitialize.Extensions = Window->GetRequiredExtensions();
ContextInitialize.ErrorCallback = ErrorCallback;
ContextInitialize.InfoCallback = InfoCallback;
ContextInitialize.Debug = true;
GfxContext = gfx::context::Initialize(ContextInitialize, *Window);
Swapchain = GfxContext->CreateSwapchain(Width, Height);

We then create the texture for the triangle :

gfx::imageData ImageData = gfx::ImageFromFile("resources/Textures/Debug.jpg");
gfx::imageCreateInfo ImageCreateInfo = 
TextureHandle1 = GfxContext->CreateImage(ImageData, ImageCreateInfo);
gfx::image *Texture1 = GfxContext->GetImage(TextureHandle1);

We then create the vertex stream description, and the vertex buffers for the triangle. A vertex here is defined by a 3d position, and a rgba colour.

float vertices[] =
    0.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
    0.25f, -0.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
    -0.25f, -0.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f
gfx::vertexStreamData VertexStream1 = {};
    .SetStride(7 * sizeof(float))
    .AddAttribute({sizeof(float), 3, gfx::vertexAttributeType::Float, false, gfx::attributeSemantic::POSITION, 0, 0})
    .AddAttribute({sizeof(float), 4, gfx::vertexAttributeType::Float, false, gfx::attributeSemantic::COLOR, 0, 1});
gfx::vertexBufferCreateInfo VertexBufferCreateInfo = {};
VertexBufferHandle = GfxContext->CreateVertexBuffer(VertexBufferCreateInfo);

We then create a uniform buffer for storing the colour of the triangle :

UniformBufferHandle1 = GfxContext->CreateBuffer(sizeof(uniformData), gfx::bufferUsage::UniformBuffer, gfx::memoryUsage::CpuToGpu);
gfx::buffer *UniformBuffer1 = GfxContext->GetBuffer(UniformBufferHandle1);
UniformBuffer1->CopyData((uint8_t*)&UniformData1, sizeof(uniformData), 0);

We can now create a "uniform group" that contains the texture and the uniform buffer :

Uniforms = std::make_shared<gfx::uniformGroup>();
        .AddUniformBuffer(0, UniformBufferHandle1)
        .AddTexture(4, TextureHandle1);

With all that, we can create a rendering pipeline, and bind this uniform group to that rendering pipeline. We describe pipelines with json files that contain all the needed informations for creating one :

  • Shader Code

  • Vertex Streams

  • Depth Functions

  • Blend Functions

  • Triangle culling

PipelineHandleSwapchain = GfxContext->CreatePipelineFromFile("resources/Shaders/Triangle/Triangle.json");
GfxContext->BindUniformsToPipeline(Uniforms, PipelineHandleSwapchain, 0);

And that's all for the initialization. Now, here's the code for the main render loop :


// Begin recording commands into the command buffer
std::shared_ptr<gfx::commandBuffer> CommandBuffer = GfxContext->GetCurrentFrameCommandBuffer();

CommandBuffer->BeginPass(GfxContext->GetSwapchainFramebuffer(), {0.5f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0});
CommandBuffer->SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)Width, (float)Height);
CommandBuffer->SetScissor(0, 0, Width, Height);


CommandBuffer->BindUniformGroup(Uniforms, 0);

CommandBuffer->DrawArrays(0, 3); 




And here's the result : HelloTriangle


High level api features

The Hlgfx library contains abstractions classes for creating 3d apps :

Mini engine

The mini engine contained in Main_HelloHLGFX shows how to use the Hlgfx library to create a simple 3d app.

This engine allows to author 3d scenes by importing glTF or any file supported by assimp.

It has a scene graph that allows to parent objects together to create complex 3d object hierarchies.

It also has a PBR material authoring system.

It also contains an asset management system that allows to import and instantiate assets into the scene.




