Used for refreshing the metadata on a table across all of the nodes in a cluster. Metadata refreshing will occurr concurrently, any node which exceeds a 1 minute refresh will timeout.
This was designed because I needed a way to manually invoke a full retrieve of all the parititions on a given table for every node in the cluster.
An error will be displayed if your node timesout or fails to refresh (non 0 exit code). If any of your nodes fail to refresh, the exit code of impala-refresher will be 1.
Usage of ./impala-refresher:
-concurrency=0: Max number of refreshes to perform concurrently (0: unlimited)
-nodes="": Comma separated list of impala daemons to refresh
-table="": Table to refresh
-timeout=60: Refresh timeout in seconds
$ ./impala-refresher --table mytable --nodes node-01,node-02,node-03,node-04,node-05,node-06
Refreshing node-01's metadata...
Refreshing node-02's metadata...
Refreshing node-03's metadata...
Refreshing node-04's metadata...
Refreshing node-05's metadata...
Refreshing node-06's metadata...
node-06 refreshed successfully! Took: 25.195226472s
node-05 refreshed successfully! Took: 26.145260728s
node-04 refreshed successfully! Took: 26.268907552s
node-03 refreshed successfully! Took: 26.753072643s
node-01 refreshed successfully! Took: 27.024496418s
node-02 refreshed successfully! Took: 27.654374677s
With concurrency set to 3
$ ./impala-refresher --table mytable --nodes node-01,node-02,node-03,node-04,node-05,node-06 --concurrency 3
Refreshing node-01's metadata...
Refreshing node-02's metadata...
Refreshing node-03's metadata...
node-02 refreshed successfully! Took: 19.313201ms
node-01 refreshed successfully! Took: 19.564682ms
node-03 refreshed successfully! Took: 20.187352ms
Refreshing node-04's metadata...
Refreshing node-05's metadata...
Refreshing node-06's metadata...
node-04 refreshed successfully! Took: 22.933899ms
node-05 refreshed successfully! Took: 40.255635ms
node-06 refreshed successfully! Took: 45.224793ms
The only requirement is go, The build time is basically instant. The binary can be used anywhere, it doesn't require any special libraries on the host as far as I know. I've tested on systems as old as CentOS 5.6.
$ git clone git://
$ cd impala-refresher
$ go build
$ ls
impala-refresher.go impala-refresher