Simple Todo API built in C# and ASP.Net
I got bored and decided to mess around with REST APIs in C#. ASP.Net is an awesome framework, and had very comprehensible documentation. This API supports CRUD operations and dynamic routes. The pages aren't interactive because there aren't any. I was more focussed on figuring out how backends work rather than learning how to build a frontend for it, so I completely skipped that step 😛
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Open the .sln in your IDE of choice
- Run it! (The Nuget packages should install themselves automatically... I think)
Here is a list of routes that you can request in Postman (or any other HTTP client):
- GET /api/todo : Get all of the TodoItems
- GET /api/todo/1 : Get one TodoItem (substitute 1 with any ID)
- DELETE /api/todo/1 : Remove an existing TodoItem (substitute 1 with any ID)
- POST /api/todo : Add a new TodoItem, based on the request body. Example request body:
"title": "Clean the dishes",
"completed": false
(Note: You may not specify an ID here; default values for title and completed are "No title" and false
, respectively)
- PUT /api/todo/1 : Update an existing TodoItem, based on the request body. (substitute 1 with any ID) Example request body:
"completed": true
(Note: You may not specify an ID here; default values for each property are their old ones)