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Multi segmented control for iOS & Android



with react-native ">=0.60.0"

0. Setup Swift and Kotlin

  • Open your iOS project in Xcode and create empty Swift file and bridging header to enable Swift support

  • Modify android/build.gradle:

    buildscript {
      ext {
    +   kotlinVersion = "1.3.50"
      dependencies {
    +   classpath("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:${kotlinVersion}")

1. Install latest version from npm

$ npm i react-native-multi-segmented-control -S

2. Install pods

$ cd ios && pod install && cd ..

3. Final step

Modify android/build.gradle again:


allprojects {
  repositories {
+   maven { url '' }


Android iOS


import * as React from 'react'
import { MultiSegmentedControl } from 'react-native-multi-segmented-control'

export const Control = () => (
    style={{ height: 55, width: '100%' }}
    values={['cat', 'dog', 'fox', 'pig', 'cow']}
    onChange={({ nativeEvent }) => console.warn(nativeEvent.changedIndex)}
    selectedIndices={[1, 2]}


MultiSegmentedControl and SingleSegmentedControl components support all of View props and share some common props. MultiSegmentedControl additionally has maxSelected and selectedIndices props, and SingleSegmentedControl has additional selectedIndex prop.

prop type default desc
values Array<string> - required
tintColor string -
enabled boolean true
selectedIndices Array<number> - MultiSegmentedControl only
selectedIndex number - SingleSegmentedControl only
(event: NativeSyntheticEvent<{
  selectedIndices: Array<number>,
  selectedValues: Array<string>,
  changedIndex: number,
  changedIndexSelected: boolean,
}>) => void
hideDivider boolean - ios only
dividerColor string - android only, no divider by default
minSelected number 0 disabled when 0
maxSelected number 0 MultiSegmentedControl only, disabled when 0
textStyle TextStyle - supports color, fontFamily, fontWeight, fontStyle and fontSize
selectedTextStyle TextStyle textStyle supports color, fontFamily, fontWeight, fontStyle and fontSize