New Features
Bug fixes
- b0d9d6e: fix(actions): cache conflict (@iyear)
- 6095f04: fix(actions): lint timeout (@iyear)
- f249c78: fix(media): naked return (@iyear)
- 83d879a: fix(tgc): add rate limit to avoid frequent flood wait in e2e test (@iyear)
- cb39fc2: chore(actions): add lint to master action (@iyear)
- 0711809: chore(archive): detail error message (@iyear)
- f72b6a1: chore(deps): bump github.com/antonmedv/expr from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 (#271) (@dependabot[bot])
- d17aaba: chore(deps): bump github.com/antonmedv/expr from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 (#285) (@dependabot[bot])
- 622ed26: chore(deps): bump github.com/antonmedv/expr from 1.15.0 to 1.15.1 (#294) (@dependabot[bot])
- d0568bd: chore(deps): bump github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 (#273) (@dependabot[bot])
- 360d567: chore(deps): bump github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 (#283) (@dependabot[bot])
- 9a71c0a: chore(deps): bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 (#277) (@dependabot[bot])
- 13c3b66: chore(deps): bump github.com/gotd/td from 0.84.0 to 0.85.0 (#272) (@dependabot[bot])
- 744b5ca: chore(deps): bump github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6 from 6.4.6 to 6.4.7 (#281) (@dependabot[bot])
- 54402f7: chore(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 (#279) (@dependabot[bot])
- 3b85b56: chore(deps): bump github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3 from 3.23.7 to 3.23.8 (#290) (@dependabot[bot])
- 79f38ec: chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 (#295) (@dependabot[bot])
- b9fd24e: chore(editorconfig): eol lf (@iyear)
- b7de1e7: chore(gitignore): remove zip (@iyear)
- d3c02af: chore(prj): optimize imports (@iyear)
- 6f61b1c: chore(prj): use golangci-lint (@iyear)
- 8828fcf: chore(test): delete mp3 to speed up e2e test (@iyear)
- b80de1b: test(e2e): add download test (@iyear)
- 2bc4a78: test(e2e): add mp3 test data (@iyear)
- 12fdbb8: test(e2e): use By method to log step (@iyear)