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Atcoder Readme Stats

Dynamically generate your Atcoder statistics card.

This repository was created inspired by anuraghazra/github-readme-stats.
Please take a look at this one as well.

Atcoder Stats Card

[![iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats](](

iwbc-mzk's atcoder stats


Insert this into your markdown content.
Change <username> to your Atcoder user id.

[![<username>'s atcoder stats](<username>)](


  • width - (int | auto) Sets the card's width. Default: auto.
  • height - (int | auto) Sets the card's heigth. Default: auto.
  • hide - (str, comma separated values) Hides the specified stats from the card. Valid Values: rank, rating, highest_rating, rated_matches, last_competed.
  • theme - (str) Name of theme. Valid values: default, darcula. Default: default.
  • show_history - (boolean | int) Shows competed contests history. Shows the latest 3 competed contests if boolean value. Shows specified number of lines if int value. Default: false.
  • show_icons - (boolean) Shows Icons. Default: false.


Sets the card width and height

[![iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats](](

iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats

Hide rank and rating

[![iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats](,rating&width=450)](

iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats

Sets theme

[![iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats](](

iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats

Show History

[![iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats](](

iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats

Show Icons

[![iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats](](

iwbc_mzk's atcoder stats