⚠️ Note The related research article to this repository is currently under review. TheREADME
, DOI, license and links will be updated after the final submission.
Patrick Jordan: [email protected]
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This repository provides tools to support sustainability indicator selection for manufacturing systems. The tools include:
- Excel Tool: A spreadsheet-based tool to assist practitioners in selecting relevant sustainability indicators.
- Method PDF: A comprehensive guide describing the procedure for selecting sustainability indicators.
These tools are part of the research published in the following article:
"Procedure for use case-specific sustainability indicator selection in manufacturing systems"
Patrick Jordan, Stefanie Keil, Daniel Schneider, Lasse Streibel, Susanne Vernim, Michael F. Zaeh
Presented at the 32nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2025).
For more details, please refer to the published article:
Procedure for use case-specific sustainability indicator selection in manufacturing systems
This research was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the “SmartMan” project (13IK033J).
The Excel-based tool allows users to:
- Explore a catalog of 477 sustainability indicators.
- Filter indicators based on use case-specific factors.
- Generate a tailored selection of sustainability indicators.
The PDF document describes the methodology for selecting sustainability indicators. It includes:
- A step-by-step guide for indicator selection.
- Details on the use case and implementation examples.
- Download the Excel tool from the link above.
- Open the file in your preferred spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel).
- Follow the instructions in the first sheet to filter and select indicators.
- Download the PDF document.
- Read through the methodology to understand the process of indicator selection.
- Apply the described procedure to your specific use case.
If you use this repository or the tools for your research or industry projects, please cite the following article:
Jordan, P., Keil, S., Schneider, D., Streibel, L., Vernim, S., & Zaeh, M. F.
Procedure for use case-specific sustainability indicator selection in manufacturing systems.
32nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2025).
This repository and its contents are licensed under the MIT License.