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Lightweight Coinbase Pro API implementation.

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  • BTC 3BNL7UnYmByrdEguoEnA7S95WzdDYLmKuS
  • LTC MEgxjro7E6z8Mfy4Uy8xaJPrskdwmrCers
  • BCH qrtl83z594m7g4nv390xdg5mg7tywuwq5vzlsa82dp
  • ETH 0xeED2C60dd83e77F5650962E653b2a6F26A5c2f26
  • ETC 0x5B4224b376C0a32B70B0e25F6aEeCfc2d0131703
  • ZRX 0x345df25C52B81E045Bfb3C21b15343c4D114e43e
  • BAT 0xB23Bb1933bDF676502426AdcA2D7B3E0Ed18AfDF
  • ZEC t1h78dUWEY9hA2UZVyNazbgAfZNmicEK6qA
  • USDC 0x7fb93FfBcFa9A537ddFaC9678b1C27DF776eE626


npm install coinbase-pro-api


This library allows you to use both public and private endpoints as well as the sandbox environment for testing connectivity and trading. You can learn about query parameters and responses of each endpoint in the official documentation.

Public Endpoints

Public endpoints do not require authentication and can be used right away without further configuration.

.getProducts([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getProducts } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getProductOrderBook(productId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getProductOrderBook } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getProductOrderBook('BTC-EUR', { level: 3 })

» query params and responses

.getProductTicker(productId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getProductTicker } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getProductTrades(productId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getProductTrades } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getProductTrades('BTC-EUR', { after: 1000 })

» query params and responses

.getProductHistoricRates(productId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getProductHistoricRates } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getProductHistoricRates('BTC-EUR', { granularity: 3600 })

» query params and responses

.getProduct24HrStats(productId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getProduct24HrStats } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getCurrencies([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getCurrencies } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getTime([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getTime } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

Private Endpoints

The private endpoints require authentication. You will need to configure your coinbase-pro-api installation by providing a configuration.

.getCoinbaseAccounts([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getCoinbaseAccounts } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getPaymentMethods([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getPaymentMethods } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getAccounts([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getAccounts } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getAccount(accountId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getAccount } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getAccountHistory(accountId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getAccountHistory } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getAccountHistory('7d0f7d8e-dd34-4d9c-a846-06f431c381ba', { before: 3000 })

» query params and responses

.getAccountTransfers(accountId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getAccountTransfers } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getAccountTransfers('7d0f7d8e-dd34-4d9c-a846-06f431c381ba', { before: 3000 })

» query params and responses

.getAccountHolds(accountId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getAccountHolds } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getAccountHolds('7d0f7d8e-dd34-4d9c-a846-06f431c381ba', { before: 3000 })

» query params and responses

.placeOrder(data[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=JSON]]])

const { placeOrder } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

// Buy 1 LTC @ 20 EUR
placeOrder({ side: 'buy', size: '1', price: '20.00', product_id: 'LTC-EUR' })

// Sell 1 LTC @ 20 EUR
placeOrder({ side: 'sell', size: '1', price: '20.00', product_id: 'LTC-EUR' })

» query params and responses

.cancelOrder(orderId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { cancelOrder } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.cancelOrders([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { cancelOrders } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getOrders([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getOrders } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getOrders({ after: 3000, status: 'open' })

» query params and responses

.getOrder(orderId[, query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getOrder } = require('coinbase-pro-api')

» query params and responses

.getFills([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { getFills } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
getFills({ product_id: 'LTC-EUR', before: 3000 })

» query params and responses

.convert([query[, env[, parser=JSON[, stringifier=QS]]]])

const { convert } = require('coinbase-pro-api')
convert({from: 'USD', to: 'USDC', amount: '100' })

» query params and responses


Configurations such as credentials and environments follow the npm configuration guideline. Configurations can be set via command line, environment variables and npmrc files. To create an api key unique to your trading account refer to this guide.

  • sandbox (optional) can be set to either true, yes and 1 to switch to sandbox environment;
  • hostname (optional) allows to override default coinbase-pro hostname;
  • key (mandatory for private endpoints only) coinbase-pro api key unique to your trading account;
  • passphrase (mandatory for private endpoints only) coinbase-pro api passphrase unique to your trading account;
  • secret (mandatory for private endpoints only) coinbase-pro api secret unique to your trading account;

command line

npm config set coinbase-pro-api:sandbox false
npm config set coinbase-pro-api:hostname
npm config set coinbase-pro-api:key key
npm config set coinbase-pro-api:passphrase passphrase
npm config set coinbase-pro-api:secret secret

environment variables

env npm_config_coinbase_pro_api_sandbox="false" \
    npm_config_coinbase_pro_api_hostname="" \
    npm_config_coinbase_pro_api_key="key" \
    npm_config_coinbase_pro_api_passphrase="passphrase" \
    npm_config_coinbase_pro_api_secret="secret" \
    node script.js



Submodule Util

The util submodule is primarily designed to support the needs of coinbase-pro-api own internal APIs. However, many of the utilities are useful for application and module developers as well. It can be accessed using:

const util = require('coinbase-pro-api/util')


This utility generates an npm-like configuration object that can be used to override the internal configuration management:

const { configurationFor } = require('coinbase-pro-api/util')

const env = configurationFor({
  sandbox: false,
  hostname: '',
  key: 'key',
  passphrase: 'passphrase',
  secret: 'secret'

getAccounts(query, env)

.signatureFor(options[, env[, crypto]])

This utility generates a base64 encoded sha256 hmac signature compatible with coinbase-pro:

const timestamp = 1e-3 *
const method = 'get'
const path = '/api/endpoint'
const body = '?query=string'

const signature = signatureFor({ timestamp, method, path, body}, configurationFor({ secret }))

» selecting a timestamp

## Document submodule coinbase-pro-api/client The client submodule is primarily designed to support the needs of coinbase-pro-api own internal APIs. However, many of the utilities are useful for application and module developers as well. It can be accessed using:

const util = require('coinbase-pro-api/client')

.request(options[, env])

This utility wraps https.request and returns a promise that resolves into https.ClientRequest.

const { request } = require('coinbase-pro-api/client')

request({ method: 'get', path: '/products' })
  .then(res => res.pipe(process.stdout))