Registers are written as Rx in the assembly, where x is a register from 0-15. In the machine code a register is 4 bits and a number or address is 1 byte.
Hex Opcode | Assembly | Memory Layout (hex) | Description |
0x00 |
00 |
Null operator |
0x10 |
LOAD [reg] [addr] |
1x xx |
Load byte from memory location addr into register reg |
0x20 |
STORE [reg] [addr] |
2x xx |
Store byte from register reg into memory location addr |
0x30 |
BRANCH [label] |
30 xx |
Set PC to address of label |
0x40 |
SET [reg] [byte] |
4x xx |
Store byte in register reg |
0x50 |
ADD [reg] [byte] |
5x xx |
Add byte to register reg |
0x60 |
SUB [reg] [byte] |
6x xx |
Subtract byte from register reg |
0x70 |
BNZ [reg] [label] |
7x xx |
Set PC to address of label if reg is not zero |
0x80 |
80 |
Stop processing |
Directive | Assembles to (hex) | Description |
DEF [byte] |
xx |
Store byte into current memory location |
SET r4 10
loop: ;this is a label
SUB r4 1
ADD r2 1
BNZ r4 loop