Currently, none.
Currently, none. We do development on local machines.
Information about EF Core Tools:
Make sure the Danielson is set up as the startup project before running the commands below:
Add-Migration -Name {migration name} -Context FormContext -Project Danielson.Data
Update-Database -Context FormContext
If you run into the issue "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.", then add TrustServerCertificate=True to the connection string.
For the application login, please run the following:
Update-Database -Context ApplicationDbContext
Note that the Danielson tables are all built with a [danielson] schema. The ApplicationDbContext tables all start with AspNet.
The form template information is built as a .NET document outside of the database. This is because the form template is fixed for all forms, and adding it to the database seemed like a lot of unneeded complexity.
You can edit these in Danielson.Data/Domains section, under DomainList.