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Small util to ease the creation of kitchen calendars for my mum.

Moon phases

To retrieve the moon phases from Instituto Geográfico Nacional we need to scrape the dates from the pdfs published there (didn't find a better source). We download the pdfs:

for year in {2023..2035}; do
  curl -O "$year.pdf"

Convert them to plain text files, for example using And then extract the json. Here's an example code in Clojure.

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/data.json {:mvn/version "2.4.0"}}}'
(require '[ :as json]
         '[clojure.string :as str])

(defn nested-group-by [[f & fs] xs]
  (if f
    (into (sorted-map) (update-vals (group-by f xs) #(nested-group-by fs %)))

(let [month-names ["" "Ene" "Feb" "Mar" "Abr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Ago" "Set" "Oct" "Nov" "Dic"]
      moons (for [year (range 2023 (inc 2035))
                  :let [content (slurp (str "~/Downloads/pdftotext/Agenda_astronomica_" year ".txt"))
                        content (re-find #"(?<=3. Fases de la Luna\nFase\n\nmes día h min)[\s\S]*(?=Todas las fechas anteriores)" content)
                        content (str/replace-first content #"\d+\n\n" "")
                        phases (re-seq #"Luna nueva|Cuarto creciente|Luna llena|Cuarto menguante" content)
                        months (re-seq #"Ene|Feb|Mar|Abr|May|Jun|Jul|Ago|Set|Oct|Nov|Dic" content)
                        days (re-seq #"(?<=\D |\n)\d+(?=\n)" content)
                        hours (re-seq #"\d{2} \d{2}" content)
                        _ (assert (apply = (map count [months days hours phases]))
                                  (mapv count [months days hours phases]))]
                  [month day hour phase] (map vector months days hours phases)
                  :let [month (.indexOf month-names month)
                        day (parse-long day)
                        [hour minute] (map parse-long (re-seq #"\d+" hour))
                        ;; some moons have minute 60 which I assume is minute 0 of the next hour
                        hour (+ hour (quot minute 60))
                        minute (rem minute 60)
                        phase (case phase
                                "Luna nueva" "new"
                                "Cuarto creciente" "crescent"
                                "Luna llena" "full"
                                "Cuarto menguante" "waning")
                        local-date (format "%04d-%02d-%02d" year month day)
                        local-date-time (format "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d" year month day hour minute)
                        instant (-> (java.time.LocalDateTime/parse local-date-time)
                                    (.atZone (java.time.ZoneId/of "Europe/Madrid"))
                :year year, :month month, :day day,
                :hour hour, :minute minute,
                :phase phase,
                :date local-date
                :datetime local-date-time
                :epoch-milli (.toEpochMilli instant)
                :instant (str instant)))
      _ (assert (= (map (juxt :year :month :day) moons)
                   (sort (map (juxt :year :month :day) moons))))]
  (->> moons
       (nested-group-by [:year :month])