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cfggo is a Go package designed to simplify configuration management in Go applications. It provides a flexible and powerful way to handle configuration through various sources such as files, environment variables, and HTTP endpoints. The package supports default values, dynamic configuration updates, and command-line flags.

Key Features

  • Type-safe configuration: All configuration values are accessed through strongly-typed functions
  • Hot reloadable: Configuration can be reloaded at runtime without restarting your application
  • Function-based approach: Configuration values are accessed through functions, not direct field access
  • Multiple configuration sources: Load from JSON files, environment variables, and HTTP endpoints
  • Command-line flag integration: Seamless integration with Go's flag package
  • Thread-safe: All operations are protected by mutexes for concurrent access
  • Validation support: Register validators for configuration values
  • Default values: Specify default values for configuration items
  • Automatic type conversion: Values are automatically converted to the correct type


To install the package, run:

go get

How It Works

cfggo uses a unique approach to configuration management:

  1. Function-based access: Instead of accessing configuration values directly, you define functions that return the values
  2. Embedded Structure: Your configuration struct embeds the cfggo.Structure type
  3. Type safety: The return type of each function defines the type of the configuration value
  4. Hot reloading: Configuration can be reloaded at runtime, and all functions will return the updated values

Basic Example

Here's a simple example of how to use cfggo:

package main

import (

// Define your configuration struct
type MyConfig struct {
    cfggo.Structure // Embed the Structure type
    // Define configuration items as functions that return the desired type
    ServerPort    func() int           `cfggo:"server_port" default:"8080" help:"Port for the server to listen on"`
    DatabaseURL   func() string        `cfggo:"db_url" default:"postgres://localhost:5432/mydb" help:"Database connection URL"`
    FeatureFlags  func() map[string]bool `cfggo:"features" default:"{\"new_ui\": false, \"analytics\": true}" help:"Feature flags"`
    LogLevel      func() string        `cfggo:"log_level" default:"info" help:"Logging level"`

func main() {
    // Create a new configuration instance
    config := &MyConfig{
        // Set default values using the DefaultValue helper
        ServerPort:   cfggo.DefaultValue(8080),
        DatabaseURL:  cfggo.DefaultValue("postgres://localhost:5432/mydb"),
        FeatureFlags: cfggo.DefaultValue(map[string]bool{"new_ui": false, "analytics": true}),
        LogLevel:     cfggo.DefaultValue("info"),
    // Initialize the configuration
    // This will load values from a JSON file, environment variables, and command-line flags
    cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithDefaultFileConfig("config.json"))
    // Access configuration values through the functions
    fmt.Printf("Server will listen on port %d\n", config.ServerPort())
    fmt.Printf("Database URL: %s\n", config.DatabaseURL())
    fmt.Printf("Log level: %s\n", config.LogLevel())
    // Feature flags are accessed as a map
    if config.FeatureFlags()["new_ui"] {
        fmt.Println("New UI is enabled")

Configuration Sources and Precedence

cfggo loads configuration from multiple sources in the following order (later sources override earlier ones):

  1. Default values: Set in code using cfggo.DefaultValue() or via struct tags
  2. Configuration files: JSON files loaded via options
  3. Environment variables: Automatically mapped from config keys (e.g., server_portSERVER_PORT)
  4. Command-line flags: Automatically registered based on your struct fields

Environment Variables

Environment variables are automatically mapped from your configuration keys. The mapping follows these rules:

  • Keys are converted to uppercase
  • Dots (.) are replaced with underscores (_)

For example:

  • server_portSERVER_PORT
  • db.urlDB_URL

Command-Line Flags

Command-line flags are automatically registered based on your struct fields. The flag name is the same as the configuration key.

For example:


Boolean flags can be used with or without a value:

--feature_enabled        # Sets to true
--feature_enabled=true   # Sets to true
--feature_enabled=false  # Sets to false

Hot Reloading

One of the key features of cfggo is the ability to reload configuration at runtime. This is useful for applications that need to change configuration without restarting.

// Reload configuration from all sources
if err := config.ReloadConfig(); err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to reload configuration: %v", err)

// After reloading, all function calls will return the updated values
fmt.Printf("Updated server port: %d\n", config.ServerPort())


You can register validators for configuration values to ensure they meet your requirements:

// Register a validator for the "server_port" configuration key
config.RegisterValidator("server_port", func(value interface{}) error {
    port, ok := value.(int)
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("server_port must be an integer")
    if port < 1024 || port > 65535 {
        return errors.New("server_port must be between 1024 and 65535")
    return nil

// Validate the entire configuration
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Configuration validation failed: %v", err)

// Validate a specific configuration key
if err := config.ValidateKey("server_port"); err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Validation of server_port failed: %v", err)

Advanced Features

Custom Configuration Sources

You can implement custom configuration sources by implementing the configHandler interface:

type configHandler interface {
    LoadConfig() ([]byte, error)
    SaveConfig([]byte) error

Nested Configuration

You can use nested structures for more complex configuration:

type DatabaseConfig struct {
    Host     func() string `cfggo:"host" default:"localhost" help:"Database host"`
    Port     func() int    `cfggo:"port" default:"5432" help:"Database port"`
    Username func() string `cfggo:"username" default:"user" help:"Database username"`
    Password func() string `cfggo:"password" default:"pass" help:"Database password"`

type MyConfig struct {
    ServerPort func() int           `cfggo:"server_port" help:"Server port"`
    Database   DatabaseConfig       `cfggo:"database" help:"Database configuration"`

Enhanced Validation

The package provides a rich set of built-in validators for common validation scenarios:

// Add validators to your configuration
config.AddValidator("server_port", cfggo.Range(1024, 65535))
config.AddValidator("email", cfggo.Email())
config.AddValidator("username", cfggo.All(
config.AddValidator("api_key", cfggo.Regex(`^[A-Za-z0-9]{32}$`))
config.AddValidator("log_level", cfggo.OneOf("debug", "info", "warn", "error"))
config.AddValidator("website", cfggo.URL())

// Validate the entire configuration
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
    // ValidationErrors provides detailed information about all validation failures
    log.Fatalf("Configuration validation failed: %v", err)

Available validators include:

  • Required() - Ensures a value is not nil or empty
  • MinLength(min) - Checks if a string, slice, or map has at least min elements
  • MaxLength(max) - Checks if a string, slice, or map has at most max elements
  • Range(min, max) - Ensures a numeric value is within the specified range
  • OneOf(options...) - Checks if a value is one of the provided options
  • Regex(pattern) - Validates a string against a regular expression
  • Email() - Validates that a string is a valid email address
  • URL() - Validates that a string is a valid URL
  • Custom(func) - Creates a validator from a custom function
  • All(validators...) - Ensures all validators pass
  • Any(validators...) - Ensures at least one validator passes


The package includes a configurable logging system that can be adjusted based on your application's needs:

// Set the log level

// Parse log level from string
level, _ := cfggo.ParseLogLevel("info")

// Redirect logs to a file
file, _ := os.OpenFile("config.log", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)

Available log levels:

  • LogLevelDebug - Detailed debugging information
  • LogLevelInfo - General information about normal operation
  • LogLevelWarn - Warnings that don't affect normal operation
  • LogLevelError - Errors that affect operation but don't cause termination
  • LogLevelFatal - Errors that cause termination
  • LogLevelNone - Disables all logging

Configuration Options

cfggo provides several options for initializing configuration:

// Load configuration from a file
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithFileConfig("config.json"))

// Load configuration from a file specified by a command-line flag
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithFileConfigParamName("config"))

// Load configuration from HTTP endpoints
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithHTTPConfig(httpLoader, httpSaver))

// Skip loading from environment variables
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithSkipEnvironment())

// Enable automatic saving of configuration on program exit
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithAutoSave())

// Use a custom FlagSet
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithFlagSet(myFlagSet))

// Add a validator during initialization
cfggo.Init(config, cfggo.WithValidation("server_port", portValidator))

Thread Safety

All operations in cfggo are protected by mutexes, making it safe to use in concurrent applications. You can access and update configuration values from multiple goroutines without worrying about race conditions.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


cfggo is licensed under the MIT License.


cfggo is inspired by the viper configuration package. It aims to provide a more lightweight and flexible alternative with additional features like type safety and custom configuration handlers.


Go Configuration made type safe and easy







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