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IPinfo IPinfo Sample Database Repository

Sample datasets of all the IP address database products.

Database Overview

The database products has to offer are -

Database Product Sample Database Repo Description
IP Geolocation Database IP Geolocation Sample IP geolocation information
IP to Company Database IP to Company Sample Company associated with IP address
ASN Database ASN Database Sample IP range and ASN information
IP to Mobile Carrier Database IP to Mobile Sample Mobile carrier and country information
Privacy Detection Database Privacy Detection Sample VPN, proxy, Tor, relay detection
Hosted Domain Database Hosted Domains Sample Reverse IP lookup
Abuse Contact Database Abuse Contact Sample Abuse contact information
WHOIS Database WHOIS Sample Contextualized and structured WHOIS database

IPinfo also provides the following IP databases for free. The database provide full accuracy, daily updates and complete IP data solution. The databases are licensed under (CC BY-SA 4.0) and require an attribution statement, which can found on your account dashboard.

Database Product Sample Database Repo Description
IP to Country IP to Country Sample IP to Country Information
IP to ASN IP to ASN Sample IP to ASN information
IP to Country + ASN IP to Country + ASN Sample Joined database of IP to Country and IP to ASN

We offer a few detailed database that comes with additional columns that gives insights to the accuracy and our data methodology. These enterprise grade databases are only available upon request.

Database Product Sample Database Repo Description
IP to Geolocation Extended Database IP to Geolocation Extended Sample IP to Geolocation database with accuracy radius
IP to Privacy Detection Extended Database IP to Privacy Detection Extended Sample IP to Privacy Detection database detection method information
IP to Residential Proxy Database IP to Residential Proxy Sample IP to residential proxy or ISP proxy detection data

From January 2025, we are offering several new IP database downloads that bundle multiple IP contexts in single data downloads

Database Product Sample Database Repo Description
IPinfo Lite IP Lite Sample The ultimate free IP database from IPinfo
IPinfo Core IP Core Sample Location, ASN and newtork flags IP database
IPinfo Plus IP Plus Sample Enterprise IP database with location, insights, network metadata, and flags

All of these products are available as CSV, JSON, Parquet and MMDB type.

Features of the Repository

Please visit each folder to learn more about the databases. Each directory README contains -

  • Sample Dataset (100 rows) in .csv, .json and .mmdb format
  • API response (in .json)
  • Breakdown of the dataset with description of the fields
  • Breakdown of the API response
  • Helpful guides, resources and articles

Summary of the Databases

Please visit the individual database directories to learn more. The database schemas were generated in May, 2024.

IP to Country

Get the country and continent information from IP addresses.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP to Country folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address range
country IT ISO 3166 country code of the IP addresses
country_name Italy Name of the country
continent EU Continent code of the country
continent_name Europe Name of the continent


Get ASN information (limited) from an IP address range.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP to ASN folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address range
asn AS29005 Autonomous System Number
name Proximus NV Name of the AS (Autonomous System) organization
domain Official domain or website of the AS organization

IP to Country + ASN

Joined database of IP to Country and IP to ASN database.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP to Country ASN folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address range
country NL ISO 3166 country code of the IP addresses
country_name Netherlands Name of the country
continent EU Continent code of the country
continent_name Europe Name of the continent
asn AS1239 Autonomous System Number
as_name Sprint Name of the AS (Autonomous System) organization
as_domain Official domain or website of the AS organization

IP Geolocation

Get geolocation information from IP addresses.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP Geolocation folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
network CIDR or single Address of the IP address block
city Spring Lake City of the IP address
region North Carolina Region/State of the IP address
region_code NC Region code in two-letter format in ISO 3166
country United States Name of the country of the IP address
country_code US ISO 3166 country code of the IP address
continent North America Name of the continent
continent_code NA Continent name code in two-letter format
latitude 35.16794 Latitude value of the IP address
longitude -78.97281 Longitude value of the IP address
timezone America/New_York Local timezone of the IP address location
postal_code 28390 Postal code or zip code of the IP address

IP to Company

Get organization data and identify the company behind the IP address and network traffic.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP to Company folder. This database is can be used to identify large scale organization or companies behind IP address ranges. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address range
join_key Special variable to facilitate database join operation
name ZSPEC FLOW-180709174314 Name of the organization
domain Domain of the organization
type business Type of business. e.g. Business, ISP, Hosting or Education
asn AS7018 ASN of the IP range
as_name AT&T Services, Inc. Name of the ASN
as_domain Domain name of the ASN
as_type isp ASN Type: ISP, Hosting, Business or Education
country US ISO 3166 country code

ASN Database

Get ASN data from ASN or IP Address information.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the ASN folder. The Database contains the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
network CIDR or single IP address of the IP address block
asn AS7552 Autonomous System Number (ASN)
domain Organization domain name of the ASN
name Viettel Group Name of the ASN organization
type isp ASN Type: ISP, Hosting, Education, Government or Business
country VN ISO 3166 two letter country code of the ASN declared in the WHOIS records

IP to Mobile Carrier

Lookup Mobile Carrier data such as - MCC and MNC from IP addresses.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP to Mobile Carrier folder. The database contains the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address range
join_key Special variable to facilitate database join operation
name Mobile Communication Company of Iran PLC Name of the mobile carrier
country IR ISO 3166 country code
mcc 432 Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the carrier
mnc 11 Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the carrier

Privacy Detection / Anonymous IP Detection

Demystify anonymous IP addresses. Identify privacy masking services such as VPN, Tor, proxies, relays and hosting from IP addresses.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the Privacy Detection folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Descrption
network CIDR or single IP address of the IP address block
hosting true Indicates a hosting/cloud service/data center IP address
proxy false Indicates a open web proxy IP address
tor false Indicates a TOR (The Onion Router) exit node IP address
relay false Indicates Virtual Private Network (VPN) service exit node IP address
vpn true Indicates location preserving anonymous relay service
service ProtonVPN Name of the anonymous IP service provider

Hosted Domains / Reverse IP Lookup

Hosted Domains database enables you to do reverse IP lookups.

Through our Hosted Domains service, you can see the list of domains hosted on a single IP address.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the Hosted Domains folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
ip IP address for reverse IP lookup
total 3 Number of domains registered to the IP Address
domains,, Name of the domain(s) under the IP address

Abuse Contact

Get the abuse contact information of every ISP on the internet.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the Abuse Contact folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address block
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address block
join_key Special variable to facilitate database join operation
name Nilo Agir Name of the abuse contact
email [email protected] Organizational email of the abuse contact
address Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, 6/... Organizational address of the abuse contact
country PH ISO 3166 country code
phone +632-584-1045 Organizational phone number of the abuse contact

IP Geolocation Extended

IP to Geolocation database with confidence metric or accuracy radius for each entry

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the IP Geolocation Extended folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Description
start_ip Starting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip Ending IP address of an IP address range
join_key Special variable to facilitate database join operation
city San Jose City of the location
region California Region of the location
country US ISO 3166 country code of the location
latitude 37.4087 Latitude value of the location
longitude -121.9406 Longitude value of the location
postal_code 95134 Postal code of the location
timezone America/Los_Angeles Local time zone
geoname_id 5392171 Geonames_id from
radius 5 Accuracy radius in terms of kilometers

Privacy Detection Extended

Get detection method for each private IP address

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the Privacy Detection Extended folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Data Type Descrption
network CIDR/IP Range or single IP address block
hosting true Indicates a hosting/cloud service/data center IP address
proxy false Indicates a open web proxy IP address
relay false Indicates location preserving anonymous relay service
tor false Indicates a TOR (The Onion Router) exit node IP address
vpn true Indicates Virtual Private Network (VPN) service exit node IP address
service NordVPN Name of the privacy service provider includes VPN, Proxy and Relay service providers names
first_seen 2024-10-31 Date when the activity on an anonymous IP address was first observed: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO-8601. Within the 3-month lookback period.
last_seen 2025-01-03 Date when the activity on an anonymous IP address was last/recently observed: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO-8601.
confidence 3 The level (from 1 to 3) of confidence attributed to the best source associated with this range
coverage 1.0 For inferred ranges (see inferred flag), represents the proportion of the range (in IP count) that we saw direct evidence of VPN activity on; the remaining percentage of the range (1 - coverage) is composed of IPs we did not directly observe. For IPs/ranges we've fully directly observed VPN evidence on, this value is 1.0.
census false Ranges where we've observed VPN software/ports on; we run scans on ports and protocols commonly associated with VPN software. Ranges with the census flag are those where these scans obtained positive results
census_ports `` The ports we've gotten positive results for when running our VPN detection census
device_activity false Ranges on which we've observed device activity compatible with VPN usage (outside of known infrastructure area; simultaneous use around a large area; pingable and/or associated with hosting providers)
inferred false Whether the range associated with the record is the result of direct observation or inference based on neighboring IPs
vpn_config true Ranges where we confirmed VPN activity by directly running VPN software from almost 200 different providers and collecting exit IPs
whois false Ranges where we've observed VPN software/ports on AND have a WHOIS association with either VPNs in general or specific VPN providers. e.g. if our ipsec scan returned a positive result for an IP and its WHOIS record indicates that it is owned by a VPN provider, this flag will be true.

Residential Proxy Detection Database

Identify residential proxy IPs, including mobile network proxies, from more than 100 services

You can find the schema, database sample, and other information in the Residential Proxy Detection folder. The database includes the following fields:

Fields Example Description
ip IP address associated with a residential proxy.
service lightningproxies Name of the residential proxy service. Carrier/mobile services are suffixed with _mobile (e.g., soax_mobile).
last_seen 2024-09-07 Last recorded active date of a residential proxy IP in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD), with the timezone set to UTC.
percent_days_seen 2 Integer representing the percentage of days an IP was active over the past 90 days, indicating its activity level and frequency within a residential proxy pool.

IPinfo Lite Database

IPinfo's free IP database provides location (country + continent) and ASN information in a single database.

You can find the schema, database sample, and other information in the IPinfo Lite folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Descrption
network CIDR/IP range or single IP address
country Canada Country name
country_code CA Two-letter ISO 3166 country code of the IP addresses
continent North America Continent name of the IP location
continent_code NA Two-letter continent code of the IP location
asn AS174 Autonomous System Number, an organization that owns the IP range block
as_name Cogent Communications Name of the AS (Autonomous System Number) organization
as_domain Official domain or website of the ASN organization

IPinfo Core Database

IPinfo's Core is a robust IP database that combines our location, ASN, and network flags data into a single database

You can find the schema, database sample, and other information in the IPinfo Core folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Descrption
network CIDR/IP range or single IP address
city Chicago City of the IP address
region Illinois Region/State of the IP address
region_code IL Region code in two-letter format in ISO 3166
country United States Name of the country of the IP address
country_code US ISO 3166 country code of the IP address
continent North America Name of the continent
continent_code NA Continent name code in two-letter format
latitude 41.85003 Latitude value of the IP address
longitude -87.65005 Longitude value of the IP address
timezone America/Chicago Local timezone of the IP address location
postal_code 60666 Postal code or zip code of the IP address
asn AS7029 Autonomous System Number (ASN)
as_name Windstream Communications LLC Organization domain name of the ASN
as_domain Name of the ASN organization
as_type isp ASN Type: ISP, Hosting, Education, Government or Business
is_anonymous false Indicates whether the IP address is anonymous.
is_anycast false dicates whether the IP address is an internet service hosting IP address
is_hosting false Indicates whether the IP address is an hosting/cloud/data center IP address
is_mobile false Indicates whether the IP address belongs to a mobile network
is_satellite false Indicates whether the IP address is part of a satellite internet connection

IPinfo Plus Database

IPinfo's Plus is an enterprise-grade IP database that includes location, insights, confidence, ASN, privacy, carrier, and network flags all in one.

You can find the schema, database sample, and other information in the IPinfo Plus folder. The database includes the following fields:

Field Name Example Descrption
network CIDR/IP range or single IP address
city Weymouth City of the IP address
region England Region/State of the IP address
region_code ENG Region code in two-letter format in ISO 3166
country United Kingdom Name of the country of the IP address
country_code GB ISO 3166 country code of the IP address
continent Europe Name of the continent
continent_code EU Continent name code in two-letter format
latitude 50.61448 Latitude value of the IP address
longitude -2.45991 Longitude value of the IP address
timezone Europe/London Local timezone of the IP address location
postal_code DT3 Postal code or zip code of the IP address
dma_code 13w Direct Marketing Area (DMA) is a unique regional identifier for marketing.
geoname_id 2634202's unique numercial identifier for geographic locations.
radius 20 Location accuracy radius in terms of kilometers
city_confidence high Indicates the accuracy of city-level geolocation data.
region_confidence high Indicates the accuracy of region or state level geolocation data.
country_confidence high Indicates the accuracy of country level geolocation data.
asn AS2856 Autonomous System Number (ASN)
as_name British Telecommunications PLC Organization domain name of the ASN
as_domain Name of the ASN organization
as_type isp ASN Type: ISP, Hosting, Education, Government or Business
carrier_name Name of the mobile carrier organization
mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the carrier
mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the carrier
as_changed 2025-01-10 Date when the IP address's ASN last changed: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO-8601
geo_changed 2024-11-10 Date when the IP address's location last changed: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO-8601
as_stability 1.0 The stability/change of ASN data for the IP address within a recent period of time. 1.0 means very stable.
geo_stability 1.0 The stability/change of location for the IP address within a recent period of time. 1.0 means very stable.
is_anonymous false Indicates whether the IP address is anonymous.
is_anycast false dicates whether the IP address is an internet service hosting IP address
is_hosting false Indicates whether the IP address is an hosting/cloud/data center IP address
is_mobile false Indicates whether the IP address belongs to a mobile network
is_satellite false Indicates whether the IP address is part of a satellite internet connection
is_proxy false Indicates a open web proxy IP address
is_relay false Indicates location preserving anonymous relay service like iCloud private relay.
is_tor false Indicates a TOR (The Onion Router) exit node IP address
is_vpn false Indicates Virtual Private Network (VPN) service exit node IP address
privacy_name The name of the privacy service provider includes VPN, Proxy, or Relay service provider name
cdn_name Name of the CDN provider, if it is CDN IP address


IPinfo WHOIS database is a contextual, robust and consistent database of various types of WHOIS data.

You can find the schema, database sample, API response sample, and other information in the WHOIS folder. The WHOIS database and their respective fields are listed below:


Field Name Example Description
range IP Address range/netblock
id NETBLK-GRADOCEROPUB. Raw netblock identifier from WHOIS
name Grado Cero Publicidad S.A. de C.V. Name of netblock
descr GRADOCEROPUB- Description
host Host information
country MX ISO 3166 country code
email [email protected] Contact email information
abuse [email protected] Abuse email information
domain Domain associated with the netblock
country.1 MX Secondary country information
city Naucalpan de Juarez City information
street Calle Andes #46 Street information
postal 53125 Postal Code information
updated 2021-01-26 00:00:00 Update date in the WHOIS registry
imported 2021-01-27 04:44:47.206483 Imported date in the WHOIS registry


Field Name Example Description
range IP Address range/netblock
id PL-DOMYNET-NETWORK Raw netblock identifier from WHOIS
name DomyNet Sp. z o.o. Name of netblock
country PL ISO 3166 country code
status ASSIGNED PA Range assignment type (RIPE’s documentation)
tech PK9274-RIPE ID for technical contact of WHOIS record
maintainer MNT-PL-DOMYNET-1 ID for contact authorized to update WHOIS record for netblock
admin PK9274-RIPE ID for administrative contact of netblock
source ripe RIR associated with record (RIPE, ARIN, etc.)
whois_domain Domain name (from WHOIS entry)
updated 2020-01-09 Last updated date (taken from WHOIS entry)
org ORG-DSZO39-RIPE ID or name of organization responsible for netblock
rdns_domain Domain associated with IP range (only available if a majority of IPs within range share a common reverse DNS domain)
domain Domain associated with netblock (based on our data sets)
geoloc 52.2260524 20.9941955 Latitude/longitude coordinates indicating where users of network are located
org_address ul. Lindleya 16/301 02-013 Warszawa POLAND Address of the associated organization
asn AS208348 Autonomous system number for organization that routes traffic for IP (based on BGP routing data)
as_name DomyNet Sp. z o.o. Name of AS (based on our data sets and data processing)
as_domain Domain of AS (based on our data sets and data processing)
as_type isp ISP, business, or hosting (based on around 20 different features and our custom training set)

Other WHOIS Databases

Other kinds of WHOIS Database IPinfo offers:

id id range id id
name name id name name
country admin_id name address mobilephone
org_id tech_id country street officephone
created org_id domain city fax
updated created org_id state addres
source updated status postalcode country
raw source tech_id country email
raw mnt_id admin_id abuse_email
admin_id tech_id created
created abuse_id updated
updated mnt_id source
source email raw
raw domain

Relevant Articles


We highly recommend exploring the IPinfo community for posts and detailed instructions on using our database. Feel free to participate in the community if you have any questions.


The list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) can be found here or in the IPinfo Community.

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If you found an issue or would like to submit an improvement to this project, please submit an issue using the issues tab above. If you would like to submit a PR with a fix, reference the issue you created!

Interested in more?

Currently, we are limiting the sample datasets to only 100 rows. If you would like to request a larger sample or would like to get a quote on the database products, feel free to reach to us.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn more about IP Address data and it’s fascinating potential.

IPinfo Tools

There are official IPinfo client libraries available for many languages including PHP, Python, Go, Java, Ruby, and many popular frameworks such as Django, Rails and Laravel. There are also many third party libraries and integrations available for our API.

We also have an excellent CLI tool (1700 Stars on Github) and mapping tool.

See for more details.

About IPinfo

Founded in 2013, IPinfo prides itself on being the most reliable, accurate, and in-depth source of IP address data available anywhere. We process terabytes of data to produce our custom IP geolocation, company, carrier, VPN detection, hosted domains, and IP type data sets. Our API handles over 40 billion requests a month for 100,000 businesses and developers.
