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A release-please helper plugin for IPFS repos. Initially created for IPFS-desktop

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$ npm i @ipfs-shipyard/release-please-ipfs-plugin


Created when release-please was added to the IPFS Desktop repo.

NOTE: Other examples of release-please plugins were not available when this was created, so it may not be the best example of how to write a release-please plugin. Please let us know if you find a better way!

What it does

Modifies the changes in the PR created by release-please in the following ways:

How to use

Add to release-please config

  // ...
  "plugins": [/** ... */, "@ipfs-shipyard/release-please-ipfs-plugin"]
  // ...

Ensure you call the release-please binary

NOTE: Simply adding to the release-please config is not enough to make it run. You must also call the release-please CLI with the plugin name.

release-please release-pr ... --plugin=@ipfs-shipyard/release-please-ipfs-plugin

This is the only way I found that a release-please plugin can actually load itself, so it can call registerPlugin, so that the inner pluginFactories can reference it when running.


  1. I have only tested this plugin with the release-pr command of release-please so far. It may not work with, or may break, other commands.
  2. This plugin is currently focused on the needs of IPFS Desktop and may need to be updated to support other repos and use cases.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.