Our mission: To produce, integrate, and communicate high quality ocean, coastal and Great Lakes information that meets the safety, economic, and stewardship needs of the Nation.
The IOOS Data Management and Cyberinfrasctructure (DMAC) program maintains a collection of open source software packages, documentation, and utilities to facilitate data distribution and cyberinfrastructure implementation within our community of practice. These resources are all contained within the IOOS GitHub organization.
For more information about U.S. IOOS visit: https://ioos.noaa.gov.
A short list of common community requests.
- Add new contributors to IOOS repositories - email micah dot wengren at noaa dot gov, or mathew dot biddle at noaa dot gov. Please include the following:
- GitHub handle(s) of the new contributor(s)
- IOOS team that they should be added to
- Create a new IOOS repository - fill out the new repository request form