This project aims to make it easier to work with controls as modules instead of having to manually copy the files from the examples/controls folder.
npm i --save threejs-controls
yarn add threejs-controls
define(['threejs-controls/EditorControls'], function(EditorControls) {
var control = new EditorControls(parameters);
var EditorControls = require('threejs-controls/EditorControls');
var control = new EditorControls(parameters);
import EditorControls from 'threejs-controls/EditorControls';
const control = new EditorControls(paramenters);
- DeviceOrientationControls
- DragControls
- EditorControls
- FirstPersonControls
- FlyControls
- OrbitControls
- OrthographicTrackballControls
- PointerLockControls
- TrackballControls
- TransformControls
- VRControls
- EditorControls
- OrbitControls
- TrackballControls
- TransformControls
- Test the remaining controls