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The contents of this repository provide rigged Blender models for working with OpenPose.

More precisely, the models are rigged skeletons that emulate the appearance of the skeleton models that OpenPose infers from photographs. The intention is to provide a poseable 3D model that can be used to produce images that can be used as input to systems such as Stable Diffusion.



The provided .blend files contain models with associated armatures.

Append the models and armatures into your own scenes and pose them.

Set the Blender environment lighting to pure black:

Blender Settings0

Set the scene's color management to plain sRGB without any view transform (most installations default to Filmic at the time of writing):

Blender Settings1

Render the image and use the resulting image as input to the ControlNet OpenPose model.


File Description
Body25.blend The OpenPose Body25 model
Hand.blend An OpenPose hand model
Example.blend An example scene


Systems that process OpenPose skeletons essentially infer which body parts are which by inspecting the colors of the joints and bones in the images.

Unfortunately, the only way to determine which color is associated with which body part is by looking at the OpenPose source code.

Implementations that process OpenPose skeletons seem to be highly permissive (presumably because skeletons are being inspected using a model trained on the colors, rather than using a program looking for exact pixel color values).


The Body25 model uses the colors in the following table for joints:

Index Name Color (RGB)
0 Nose ff0055
1 Neck ff0000
2 RShoulder ff5500
3 RElbow ffaa00
4 RWrist ffff00
5 LShoulder aaff00
6 LElbow 55ff00
7 LWrist 00ff00
8 MidHip ff0000
9 RHip 00ff55
10 RKnee 00ffaa
11 RAnkle 00ffff
12 LHip 00aaff
13 LKnee 0055ff
14 LAnkle 0000ff
15 REye ff00aa
16 LEye aa00ff
17 REar ff00ff
18 LEar 5500ff
19 LBigToe 0000ff
20 LSmallToe 0000ff
21 LHeel 0000ff
22 RBigToe 00ffff
23 RSmallToe 00ffff
24 RHeel 00ffff

For the bones that run between the joint objects, the same colors are used as for the joints but rendered at 0.6 opacity with additive blending.

These colors were derived from the values given in the poseParametersRender.hpp file.


Copyright © 2023 Mark Raynsford <[email protected]>

This work is placed into the public domain for free use by anyone
for any purpose. It may be freely used, modified, and distributed.

In jurisdictions that do not recognise the public domain this work
may be freely used, modified, and distributed without restriction.

This work comes with absolutely no warranty.