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mulugetam edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to Qat-Java!

Qat-Java provides accelerated compression and decompression using Intel® QuickAssist Technology (QAT). It relies on a JNI binding to the APIs provided by Intel® QATzip library.


  • Supports DEFLATE and LZ4 compression algorithms.
  • Supports an execution mode that fails over to software when hardware resources are limited and cannot be acquired.
  • Supports compression based on Java byte arrays and byte buffers.
  • Supports an output stream filter for compressing data and an input stream filter for decompressing data.

Java Docs

The Java documentation for the project is available at


  • The current version, v1.0.0, is not thread safe.


Qat-Java releases are done both in github and Maven.

The release version has three parts: major.minor.patch. All new features and improvements initially go into minor versions. When minor versions become stable, a major version is created.

Contributing to Qat-Java

You are welcome to send pull requests to contribute to Qat-Java code base! Check our contribution guide for guideline.