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Releases: intel/openikt


30 Sep 05:35
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New Function:
Image-inspector: Comparing the installed packages of 2 ubuntu OS images.

Quit-diff: users can submit the request for new diff report.
Admin: user can register and login
To deploy easily, enabled docker compose

Full Changelog: v1.0...v2.0


12 Jun 07:45
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OpenIKT 1.0

OpenIKT is a suite of public utility tools designed to track the status of kernel patches across multiple open-source projects. OpenIKT 1.0 only support Quilt-Diff function, other functions are under developing.

Quilt Diff, a tool inspired by the concepts of Quilt and git-range-diff, not only displays the differences between two versions but also visualizes these differences along with their upstream information on a web page. Quilt is a tool designed to manage large sets of patches by tracking the changes made by each patch, facilitating version control. On the other hand, git-range-diff is a utility for comparing two commit ranges, revealing the differences between two versions of a patch series, or more broadly, between any two commit ranges. However, git-range-diff has its limitations: it may hang when the differences are too extensive, and it requires users to have a certain familiarity with git. This design allows users to easily understand and review changes without the need for in-depth knowledge of git command-line operations.

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