The dataset used for this project is located here. The idea behind this project was to create a REST API which can predict how successfull a song will be on Spotify if we provide some techincal details about the song. Such technical details include genre, danceability, energy etc.
The api endpoint is located here:
. In order to test it please send a request to this endpoint structured like this:
song_features = {
"danceability": 0.5,
"energy": 0.5,
"loudness": 0.5,
"speechiness": 0.5,
"acousticness": 0.5,
"duration_minutes": 3,
"valence": 0.5,
"tempo": 0.5,
"liveness": 0.5,
"genre": 1,
The endpoint is live so you can try it and it should work. There is a python file rest_api/
which you can run to send the request as well.
I have put the dataset in a GCS bucket. In order for you to do the same you have to follow these steps:
- Make sure you setup gcloud on your machine by running:
gcloud init
- Make sure to have a python environment activated and install kaggle using pip:
pip install kaggle
. We will need kaggle to download the dataset programmatically.- To download datasets from kaggle programmatically, we need a kaggle API, which you can get from the settings page on kaggle.
- Create a .kaggle folder in your machine's main directory:
mkdir ~/.kaggle
- Download the json file from kaggle and put it in the newly created .kaggle folder.
- Change the privacy of the file:
chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
- To download datasets from kaggle programmatically, we need a kaggle API, which you can get from the settings page on kaggle.
- From the directory
make load_to_bucket dataset=amitanshjoshi/spotify-1million-tracks bucket=spotify-popularity-prediction-inri
This script will download the dataset and upload it to the bucket. Please make sure the account you are authenticated as has the rights to access and write to the bucket.
Note: The gcs bucket has been created using the ui because it will only be created once.
- Please cd into the
folder. There you will find the
files. Please run the following commands in order to set up a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual Machine (VM), where MLFlow will be running.
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
The output of terraform will be the external IP of the newly created VM. To login to the MLFlow server which is running in the newly created VM just go inside a browser and type inside the URL box:
<VM-EXTERNAL-IP>:5000 #for example
For authenticating, please use admin
for the username and password
for the password.
- Inside the directory
there is a file called Inside this file you can find the code for the Prefect flow which will train a model and track it with MLFlow. You can either run it viapython
when you are inside the directory or you can also deploy a Prefect flow using Prefect Cloud.
The flow is tested with unit tests.
The model is also deployed as a registered model in MLFlow.
The flow is deployed to Prefect Cloud for better automation.
- Inisde the directory
you can find the code to deploy a REST API. To run the code you need to set two environment variables:
BUCKET_NAME which is the name of the bucket where the MLFlow artifacts are stored
RUN_ID the run id of the best performing model
There is a Pipfile
available which you can use to install the dependencies.
The code is deployed on Google Cloud Run through a CI/CD pipeline which runs automatically everytime new code is pushed to the main branch of the repository.
There are also pre-commit hooks.