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Nested Documents

inno-juanal edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 19 revisions

webMethods supports nested documents. wmboost-data makes it easier to manipulate them compared to the alternative of using IData and other classes - using IDataCursors is particularly inconvenient.

Nested Document Example

Let's assume we want to represent a simplified invoice. The invoice is linked to a client, which is a nested document.

  • id: A654
  • date: 2017-02-12
  • totalAmount: 340.00
  • client

Populating a Nested Document

Let's populate the document in code

Document invoice = Documents.create();

Document client = invoice.docEntry("client").putNew();
client.entry("email").put("[email protected]");

The most important part is the use of docEntry and putNew. This allows us to put and create a nested document in one go.

An alternative would've been to create the client first and link it to the invoice at the end:

Document client = Documents.create();
// Set client values

// Init all invoice values but client


It's possible to use entry instead of docEntry, resulting in code like invoice.entry("client").put(client). Still, the use docEntry may be preferred due to its compilation safety.

Getting a Nested Document

If we wanted to get an attribute from the nested document in another service, we could do this:

Document pipeDoc = Documents.wrap(pipeline);
Document invoiceDoc = pipelineDoc.docEntry("invoice").getNonNullVal(); 
Document clientDoc = invoiceDoc.docEntry("client").getNonNullVal();
String businessName = clientDoc.stringEntry("businessName").getVal();
// do something with the business name