This is a stylesheet for VersionOne, modifying the Team Room view. The rest of VersionOne is mostly untouched.
Copy and paste the contents of all four stylesheets using the Stylish plugin.
- Issues are formatted as cards in the Backlog
- Priorities are spelled out and color-coded
- Avatars of assigned users on stories, defects and tasks
- Point estimates made more obvious and have a "pts" suffix to remind users that they are estimated in points rather than hours
- Subscribers avatars in Conversation sidebar
- Conversations sidebar moved to the right
- Icons in the details boxes
- User avatars
- Emphasized Status
- Icons next to relation links (Tasks, Blockers, etc)
- User avatars next to tasks
- Favicons next to links based on the URL
- InVision
- Google Drive
- ZenDesk
- Generic link icon shows up next to all other links not mentioned above
- Buttons are bigger and color coded