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CS 623 Summer I 2017

Exercise on GitHub and Git

In this project, we will be using GitHub for assignment submissions and code versioning.

The goal of this exercise is to get you started with Git and GitHub. Even if you are using Git and GitHub regularly you need to do this exercise and submit it. If you already did it, you need to create the required repository and fill out the required documents.

Please follow the instructions completely. Work that does not follow the instructions (including naming conventions) will NOT be accepted and will result in a grade of 0.

Part 1:

Create a GitHub account (if you do not have one)

Submit your GitHub username in the form here:

as described in the file. The file should be organized alphabetically by last names.

I will check your work directly from your GitHub account.

Part 2:

Install Git bash and browse the documentation.

Part 3:

Answer the following questions.

What is GitHub? When was it created? Why? By who? What similar platforms exist? Why would you use such a platform? (Answer between 2 and 3 lines)

Answer these questions in a Word file called LastnameFirstnameGitTutorial-mm-dd-yyyy.docx. Please respect the naming conventions!

Part 4:

Go through the Git tutorial here: While doing the tutorial, save your work the LastnameFirstnameGitTutorial-mm-dd-yyyy.docx file.

While there is a GUI to use Git and GitHub, developers use the command line!

Part 5:

Become familiar with the following terms:

• Repository • Commit • Push • Branch • Fork • Merge • Clone • Pull • Pull request

Part 6:

Push the Word file in YOUR GitHub account in a repository called CS6232017. Please respect the naming conventions! You will use this repository for the project. Your repository will be accessible at:

Part 7:

Add an issue with title “GitHub training” in your repository called CS6232017. Issues are used for tasks and bug reports.

Part 8:

Edit the main page of the wiki in your repository called CS6232017. Add the title “CS 629 2017” to the page. The wiki will be used for documenting the project.

You can also override to document your repository.