Built on top of original protoc-gen-openapiv2 and is intended to conform atlas-app-toolkit REST API Sepcification.
Patch includes following changes:
Fixed method comments extraction
Rendering of messages that have a primitive type (STRING, INT, BOOLEAN) does not occur if message is used only as a field (not an rpc Request or Response), hence recursive message definitions and complex-structured messages can be presented as plain string query parameters.
:If invoked following changes are made to a swagger spec:
All responses are assigned to an appropriate response code:
Recursive references are broken up. Such references occur while using protoc-gen-gorm plugin with many-to-many/one-to-many relations.
Collection operators from atlas-app-toolkit are provided with documentation and correct names.
atlas.rpc.identifier in path is treated correctly and not distributed among path and query parameters, also id.payload_id is replaced with id in path.
Unused references elimination.
Exclude all operations tagged as "private" see example below
rpc Update (UpdateNetworkRequest) returns (UpdateNetworkResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { put: "/network/{payload.id.resource_id}" body: "payload" additional_bindings { patch: "/network/{payload.id.resource_id}", body: "payload" } }; option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_swagger.options.openapiv2_operation) = { tags: "private" }; }
flag:If set generate service.private.swagger.json with all operation (including tagged as "private")
flag:- Provide couple annotations for replacing values in swagger schema you need to specify flag
annotation can be used for replacing default example with custom ones.Supported few value types includes float64, string, map[string]interface{}, []map[string]interface{} []float64, []string
@example 5.0
@example "Internal error"
@example {"Location": "Tacoma"}
@example ["First", "Second"]
@example [1, 5, 44]
@example [{"Location": "Tacoma"}, {"Group": "Engineering"}]
annotation can be used for replacing default title with custom one@title "StringCondition"
- Provide couple annotations for replacing values in swagger schema you need to specify flag
If your example is too long to be presented in one line, you could use multiple lines annotation
@example <<<EOF
"Location": "Tacoma"
@example <<<EOF
"Location": "Tacoma"
In first case all what presented after line @example <<<EOF
will be rendered as example,
if you want to manually set boundaries please use EOF
as a closing line