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Plotto By William Wallace Cook (1928)

Uses xml from but modified slightly to work better with lxml.

Creates characters with first names and displays them, along with 3 different plot scenarios. Although all characters mentioned in the system are generated, not all are used.

If you're looking for a quick and easy skeleton of a fictional story, this will help you. As you create your story, you will decide whether to use any of the input provided here as inspiration.


Tested with Python 3.10 Uses lxml If you do not have lxml:

pip install lxml

Using Plotto


If you would like to save the output to a file:

python > plot.txt

Wish List

Implement transform tags, currently unused.

Physical descriptions of characters, duplicate detection of names, some logic with character type.

Cleaner code for the output.


*** Protaganists ***
Alan: male, protagonist - A Person Influenced by an Obligation
Kai: female, protagonist - A Person Subjected to Adverse Conditions

*** Alan's Family***
Ezekiel: male, father of Alan - A Protecting Person
Zita: female, mother of Alan - A Married Person
Colton: male, brother of Alan - A Person Influenced by the Occult and the Mysterious
Molly: female, sister of Alan - A Person Subjected to Adverse Conditions
Chase: male, son of Alan - A Person Swayed by Pretense
Angelique: female, daughter of Alan - A Benevolent Person
Nathaniel: male, uncle of Alan - A Person Subjected to Adverse Conditions
Aurora: female, aunt of Alan - A Person in Love
Theodore: male, cousin of Alan - Any Person
Ace: male, nephew of Alan - A Benevolent Person
Nina: female, niece of Alan - A Person Influenced by the Occult and the Mysterious
Charles: male, grandfather of Alan - A Lawless Person
Abby: female, grandmother of Alan - A Person of Ideals
Mason: male, stepfather of Alan - A Person in Love
Jenna: female, stepmother of Alan - A Resentful Person
Aria any grandchild of Alan - A Person of Ideals

*** Team Alan ***
Weston: male, friend of Alan - A Person Influenced by the Occult and the Mysterious
Alex: male, rival or enemy of Alan - A Lawless Person
Milo: male, stranger - A Normal Person
August: male, criminal - An Erring Person
Cole: male, officer of the law - A Normal Person
Luka: male, inferior, employee - A Benevolent Person
Austin: male, utility symbol - A Married Person
Ryker: male, superior, employer, one in authority - A Resentful Person

*** Kai's Family***
Asher: male, father of Kai - A Person Influenced by an Obligation
Liza: female, mother of Kai - A Resentful Person
Aiden: male, brother of Kai - A Married Person
Aaliyah: female, sister of Kai - A Person Swayed by Pretense
Emmanuel: male, son of Kai - A Benevolent Person
Emelda: female, daughter of Kai - A Person Influenced by an Obligation
Juan: male, uncle of Kai - A Resentful Person
Ursula: female, aunt of Kai - A Normal Person
Jade: female, cousin of Kai - A Person in Love
Benjamin: male, nephew of Kai - A Person Swayed by Pretense
Hazel: female, niece of Kai - A Subtle Person
Axel: male, grandfather of Kai - A Protecting Person
Rosalie: female, grandmother of Kai - An Erring Person
Ryder: male, stepfather of Kai - An Erring Person
Eileen: female, stepmother of Kai - A Protecting Person
Matteo: grandchild of Kai - A Person in Love

*** Team Kai ***
Tatyana: female, friend of Kai - A Person Swayed by Pretense
Mae: female, rival or enemy of Kai - A Benevolent Person
Mae: female, stranger - A Protecting Person
Jessa: female, criminal - A Person Influenced by the Occult and the Mysterious
Carmen: female, officer of the law - A Person Swayed by Pretense
Thora: female, inferior, employee - A Lawless Person
Juliet: female, utility symbol - A Subtle Person
Vanessa: female, superior, employer. one in authority - A Resentful Person

*** Unaffiliated Cast ***
Esmeralda: a child - A Person Swayed by Pretense
Vincent: male, a mysterious male person, or one of unusual character - A Person Influenced by the Occult and the Mysterious
Kelly: female, a mysterious female person, or one of unusual character - A Resentful Person
shard an inanimate object, an object of mystery, an uncertain quantity - A Lawless Person

Lead-up: Alan mistakenly supposes his son, SN, to have perished in a tragic accident.
Plot: Rebelling against a power that controls personal abilities and holds them in subjection. - Alan struggles against an overwhelming sorrow that proves an obstacle to enterprise and holds his abilities in subjection.
Carry-on: Alan, hearing by chance a familiar name, finds his long-lost son, SN.
Outcome: Achieves success and happiness in a hard undertaking.

Lead-up: Alan leaves his coat on a cliff at the seaside, drops his hat in a stunted tree below the brink, and vanishes from the scenes that know him.
Plot: Devising a clever and plausible delusion in order to forward certain ambitious plans - Alan craftily fosters the delusion of his own death.
Carry-on: Alan, as a means of forcing a confession of guilt from Alex, throws both himself and Alex into a situation where death for both of them seems imminent.
Outcome: Reverses certain opinions when their fallacy is revealed.

Lead-up: Kai, an attractive girl, is so absorbed in serious pursuits that she subordinates everything else, even love, to her high ambition.
Plot: Seeking by unusual methods to conquer personal limitations. - Alan, seeking desperately his chance to propose marriage to Kai, rescues her from drowning, and proposes while they are clinging to an overturned boat.
Carry-on: Kai is unable to marry Alan because her father, Asher, in using Kai for his subject in a scientific experiment, has instilled a poison into her blood.
Outcome: Reverses certain opinions when their fallacy is revealed.