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Exclusively use rebar3 for build
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spencerdcarlson committed May 9, 2022
1 parent 81fc7c7 commit b150a6d
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Showing 2 changed files with 37 additions and 62 deletions.
29 changes: 25 additions & 4 deletions rebar.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,31 @@
{xref_checks, [undefined_function_calls, undefined_functions,
locals_not_used, deprecated_function_calls,
{profiles, [
{brod_cli, [
{deps, [ {docopt, {git, "", {branch, "0.1.3"}}}
, {jsone, "1.7.0"}
{erl_opts, [{d, build_brod_cli}]},
{escript_name, brod_cli},
{relx, [{release, {brod, "i"}, % release the interactive shell as brod-i
[brod, jsone, docopt]},
{include_erts, true},
{overlay, [{copy, "scripts/brod", "bin"},
{copy, "{{lib_dirs}}/crc32cer/priv/crc32cer*.so", "bin"},
{copy, "{{lib_dirs}}/snappyer/priv/", "bin"}
{test, [
{deps, [ {docopt, {git, "", {branch, "0.1.3"}}}
, {jsone, "1.7.0"}
, {meck, "0.9.2"}
, {proper, "1.4.0"}
, {snabbkaffe, "0.6.0"}
{erl_opts, [{d, build_brod_cli}]}
[ {extras,
[ {"", #{title => "Changelog"}}
Expand All @@ -27,14 +52,10 @@
, {api_reference, false}
{hex, [{doc, ex_doc}]}.

{escript_incl_apps, [docopt, brod]}.

{ct_opts, [{enable_builtin_hooks, false}]}.

{dialyzer, [{warnings, [unknown]}]}.
{cover_enabled, true}.
{cover_opts, [verbose]}.
{cover_export_enabled, true}.

{plugins, [coveralls]}.
70 changes: 12 additions & 58 deletions rebar.config.script
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,68 +1,22 @@
IsRebar3 = erlang:function_exported(rebar3, main, 1),
DocoptUrl = "",
DocOptTag = "0.1.3",
DocoptDep = {docopt, {git, DocoptUrl, {branch, DocOptTag}}},
Snabbkaffe = {snabbkaffe, {git, "", {tag, "0.6.0"}}},
Plugins =
case erlang:list_to_integer(erlang:system_info(otp_release)) of
Version when Version > 23 ->
{project_plugins, [{rebar3_ex_doc, "~> 0.2.9"},{rebar3_hex, "~> 7.0.1"},{rebar3_lint, "~> 1.0.2"}]};
_ -> {project_plugins, [{rebar3_lint, "~> 1.0.2"}]}
ExtraPlugins = [{rebar3_ex_doc, "~> 0.2.9"},{rebar3_hex, "~> 7.0.1"}],
{project_plugins, lists:merge(ExtraPlugins, proplists:get_value(project_plugins, CONFIG))};
_ -> {project_plugins, proplists:get_value(project_plugins, CONFIG)}
Profiles =
{profiles, [
{brod_cli, [
{deps, [jsone, DocoptDep]},
{erl_opts, [{d, build_brod_cli}]},
{escript_name, brod_cli},
{relx, [{release, {brod, "i"}, % release the interactive shell as brod-i
[brod, jsone, docopt]},
{include_erts, true},
{overlay, [{copy, "scripts/brod", "bin"},
{copy, "{{lib_dirs}}/crc32cer/priv/crc32cer*.so", "bin"},
{copy, "{{lib_dirs}}/snappyer/priv/", "bin"}
{test, [
{deps, [meck, proper, jsone, DocoptDep, Snabbkaffe]},
{erl_opts, [{d, build_brod_cli}]}
CONFIG1 = case IsRebar3 of
true ->
[Plugins | [Profiles | CONFIG]];
false ->
URLs = [ {supervisor3, ""}
, {kafka_protocol, ""}
Rebar3Deps = proplists:get_value(deps, CONFIG),
Rebar2Deps =
fun({Name, URL}) ->
case proplists:get_value(Name, Rebar3Deps) of
{git, _, _} = Git -> {Name, ".*", Git};
Vsn -> {Name, ".*", {git, URL, {tag, Vsn}}}
end, URLs),
[Plugins | lists:keyreplace(deps, 1, CONFIG, {deps, Rebar2Deps})]

case {os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), os:getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")} of
CoverallsConfigs = case {os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), os:getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")} of
{"true", Token} when is_list(Token) ->
CONFIG2 = [Plugins,
{coveralls_repo_token, Token},
Configs = [{coveralls_repo_token, Token},
{coveralls_coverdata, "_build/test/cover/*.coverdata"},
{coveralls_service_job_id, os:getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID")},
{coveralls_commit_sha, os:getenv("GITHUB_SHA")},
{coveralls_service_name, "github"},
{coveralls_service_number, os:getenv("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER")} | CONFIG1],
case os:getenv("GITHUB_EVENT_NAME") =:= "pull_request"
andalso string:tokens(os:getenv("GITHUB_REF"), "/") of
[_, "pull", PRNO, _] ->
[{coveralls_service_pull_request, PRNO} | CONFIG2];
_ ->
{coveralls_service_number, os:getenv("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER")}],
case os:getenv("GITHUB_EVENT_NAME") =:= "pull_request" andalso string:tokens(os:getenv("GITHUB_REF"), "/") of
[_, "pull", PRNO, _] -> [{coveralls_service_pull_request, PRNO} | Configs];
_ -> Configs
_ ->
_ -> []
[Plugins | lists:merge(CoverallsConfigs, CONFIG)].

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