A web interface for browsing Ruby on Rails sent emails with support for distributed environments. The library is using database for storing e-mail messages and attachments to present them on the dedicated dashboard and work correctly with applications based on multiple workers. Supported database engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
Install the library and make it available for the development environment:
group :development do
gem "draft_box"
Run the generator to create migration files:
rails generate draft_box:install
Run migrations:
rails db:migrate
Edit config/environments/development.rb
and ensure that you are using the right delivery method for emails:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :draft_box
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
Add to config/routes.rb
Your::Application.routes.draw do
mount DraftBox::Engine, at: "/draft_box" if Rails.env.development?