Automatic Input Generation System for Android Apps
- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:dynodroid/dynodroid.git <local_repo_path>
- Download the sdcard image from the google drive link:
- Copy the downloaded sdcard image into setup location:
cp <path_to_the_downloaded_file> <local_repo_path>/dynodroidsetup/freshavd/emu.avd/sdcard.img
- Follow the instructions in the user doc
- You can download a self-contained VHD from the Google Drive.
- Create a VirtualBox VM (select ubuntu, 32-bit) and load the above-downloaded VHD.
- The username and password for the VHD are both
The VHD will be running ubuntu 12.02, 32-bit OS. Login into the VHD under user-name and password as dynodroid
To test an app, follow the below instructions inside the VHD:
- Download the apk you want to test and copy into apps folder:
cp <path_to_apk_inside_VHD> /home/dynodroid/Desktop/dynodroiddeployment/apps/
- [Optional] Edit the file:
according to the user doc. - Run
cd /home/dynodroid/Desktop/dynodroiddeployment
ant run