- Portland, OR, USA (formerly San Jose CA)
- 8h behind - https://ikluft.github.io/
- @KO6YQ@pnw.zone
- @ikluft@avgeek.social
- @AstroHawk@spacey.space
Browser extension which gives you more control over your Twitter timeline and adds missing features and UI improvements - for desktop and mobile
Simple.css is a CSS template that allows you to make a good looking website really quickly.
Notify if a selected plane has taken off or landed using ADS-B data. Compares older data to newer data to determine if a landing or takeoff has occurred. As well as nav modes, emergency squawk and …
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform
a CPAN.pm plugin for installing external dependencies
ICSx⁵ is an Android app to subscribe to remote or local iCalendar files (like time tables of your school/university or event files of your sports team).
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils