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View is a header-only wrapper for safer use of view and range types in C++20 (and also includes a C++14 subvector)


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A reasonably safe header-only C++20 library for view and range containers in C++, and also includes a C++14 implementation of a subvector.

Read more on the blog post Introducing subvector and view_wrapper for modern C++.

Do I need this library?

This library is about views, which are immutable and lightweight value-types with reference-type semantics (behaving like a reference), that allow remote manipulation of heavier objects.

Several advances in C++ language, including C++20 ranges library, have drastically improved the efficiency of previous iterative processes. However, it's tricky for newcomers to understand and to correctly use these features.

For example:

  • std::string_view represents an immutable view to a std::string. Can we write into its elements? No, it's read only. Can we build one based on a dangling value and return it on a method? Yes, unfortunately, and this will generate issues that are hard to trace.
  • std::span is a view to many range-based types, including arrays, vectors, etc. Can we write into its elements? Yes, differently from a string_view, although we cannot insert new elements in the middle (that's why we developed subvector.hpp)

These two major classes already cause some confusions, and when we think on dozens of range and iterator implementations... things get really confusing.

We aim at making things like this directly clear to user:

  • What is a View<std::string> v? Object *v behaves as a read-only (const) std::string_view.
  • What is a View<std::vector> v? Object *v behaves as a read-only (const) std::span.

The proposed library makes all views read-only and it's an extensible library based on template specialization, so feel free to add any other specialization you like!

It also covers read-write range types. Example:

  • What is a Range<std::vector> v? Object *v is a subvector type, that allows remote changes to occur on the original vector (including insertions, differently from std::span...)

Innovations and definitions

This library assumes the following:

  • Views are immutable and read-only
  • Views are nullable
    • this requirement was put in order to allow them to be compatible with stl container, e.g., std::movable and std::copyable
  • Ranges are read-write and immutable on its origins (cannot change the reference to the pointed/remote object but can change content within the range)
  • classes View<> and Range<> are namespaced on view_wrapper and are CamelCase just to prevent name confusions with similar stl classes
  • classes do not accept possibly dangling const T& types (only T&... it can be annoying, but it's better than just crashing due to simple mistakes)
  • We created a subvector class to represent read-write situations for std::vector
    • The subvector allows fixed or dynamic bounds to reflect write changes on origin
    • Dynamic bounds can be automatically executed before size() and push/pop write methods via constructor flags refreshOnSize and refreshBeforePushPop; or manually invoking refresh()
    • subvector is C++14 compatible, but works best with C++20 to allow std::span and range concepts
  • This library is header-only: just copy it into your project!
  • The View<> class requires C++20 standard, so for C++17 alternative for simpler situations, see optional_view project (equivalent to a general View<T> for pointers only)


Just play with View<std::string>, View<std::vector<int>> and Range<std::vector<int>>!

See src/demo.cpp and files include/view_wrapper/View.hpp and include/view_wrapper/Range.hpp.

View example

In this example, consider a printing function void print_view(View<T> sv):

template <typename T>
void print_view(View<T> sv) {
  std::cout << "size=" << sv->size() << ": ";
  for (auto& x : *sv) std::cout << x << ";";
  std::cout << std::endl;

Then, we can easily use View to transform std::string and std::vector into their corresponding views:

  // View<std::string> sv("abcd"); // ERROR: const lvalue&
  std::string s = "abcd";
  View<std::string> sv(s);
  print_view(sv);                  // size=4: a;b;c;d;
  std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
  View<std::vector<int>> vv(v);
  print_view(vv);                  // size=4: 1;2;3;4;

View prevents creation with possibly dangling const lvalue&, due to lifetime extensions, which is permitted in std::string_view.

subvector example

Remember to play with subvector: include/view_wrapper/subvector.hpp

In this example, consider a printing function void printv(subvector<int> v):

void printv(subvector<int> v) {
  std::cout << "size=" << v.size() << ": ";
  for (auto& x : v) std::cout << x << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

Consider a vector with 6 elements: std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, -1, 4, 5, 6};

Then, we demonstrate four ranges:

  • vv1: whole view on vector v
  • vv2: first two elements of v
  • vv3: all elements after first -1 element in v
  • vv4: four elements of v
subvector<int> vv1(v);
printv(vv1);  // size=6: 1 2 -1 4 5 6
subvector<int> vv2(v, 0, 2);
printv(vv2);  // size=2: 1 2
subvector<int> vv3(v, [](const std::vector<int>& v) {
    auto it1 = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), -1);
    auto idx1 = std::distance(v.begin(), it1);
    return std::make_pair(idx1 + 1, v.size());
printv(vv3);  // size=3: 4 5 6
subvector<int> vv4(v, 1, 5);
printv(vv4);  // size=4: 2 -1 4 5

Note how all the views react to vv2.push_back(3):

printv(vv1);  // size=7: 1 2 3 -1 4 5 6
printv(vv2);  // size=3: 1 2 3
printv(vv3);  // size=3: 4 5 6
printv(vv4);  // size=4: 2 3 -1 4

This demonstrates the fixed and dynamic bound capabilities of subvector.

Another useful method is slice(a,b), that slices even further the subvector into [a,b):

auto vv5 = vv4.slice(1, 3);
printv(vv5);  // size=2: 3 -1

For the moment, slices are only taken as fixed intervals, but they could be made dynamic, if there are use cases for that.


To build it, just type:

  • make (for unix systems)
  • cxxbuild . --c++20 (for all systems*)

(*) install cxxbuild from pip install cxxbuild to automatically run and test with cmake or bazel.


Thanks Fellipe Pessanha for the advices and improvements on the explanations and examples.


MIT License, 2024

Igor Machado Coelho