Rubin ToO 2024: Envisioning the Vera C. Rubin Observatory LSST Target of Opportunity program
The notebook plots_RubinToO2024.ipynb has the following features:
- visualization of the ToO observing strategies
- light curves plots
- exposure time calculator (ETC) to convert exposure times to limiting magnitudes and vice-versa
- time budget calculations
we proovided a Google Colab notebook version of this notebook at
To use this notebook:
- open the link
- click on "Open with Colab" (if that is not your default at this point you will see the ugly json file)
- save a copy of the notebook in your Drive (you do not have permission to edit the notebook directly)

- run the top cells of the notebook to connect mount your google drive, you will have some pop-up windows to go through at this point and give permissions

run the cells that clone the original repo
you will only need to run this once, after the first time you run the notebook