Ignite Challenge
About | Screens | Technologies | Requirements | Installation
rocketshoes is a web application for an online shoe store, where the main objective of the challenge was to create a shopping cart hook, with the following features:
- add a new product to the cart;
- remove a product from the cart;
- change the quantity of a product in the affection;
- calculate the subtotal and total of the cart;
- stock validation;
- display error message.
- React.Js
- TypeScript
- Styled Components
- API Requests (JSON Server)
- Axios
- localStorage API
To make it run on your machine, follow the steps below
# Clone the repository in some folder on your machine
$ git clone [email protected]:robsonnatanael/rocketshoes.git
# Enter the repository
$ cd rocketshoes
# Install the dependencies by typing in the terminal
$ yarn install
# Run the application
$ yarn start