This is planet-php, a web interface with feed aggregation functionalities.
PHP Dependencies
- PHP 5
- A database (only tested with mysql, but should work with others, too)
PEAR Packages
- Auth
- HTML_Template_IT
- MDB2
- Cache
- Net_URL_Mapper
- Zend Framework (Zend/Filter/StripTags.php)
Get the latest code from GitHub
$ git clone git://
Adjust the DSN parameter (and other config options if you want)
$ cp config/ config/
Make tmp directory writeable for the webserver
Import the DB from config/database.sql (this is a dump from mysql)
$ mysql < config/database.sql
Add a privileged user (for database authentication only)
$ echo 'insert into auth values ("admin", md5("pwd"));' | mysql planet
Create the admin config file
$ cp config/ config/
If you want to authenticate via database, adjust the DSN
If you want to authenticate via PEAR, comment out the second block of code. Uncomment the first block of code.
If everything went fine, you can now login to PLANET-URL/admin/
Create new feeds using the admin interface
To load contents
$ ./scripts/aggregate.php
Or you can automate the import proccess with a cronjob
*/5 * * * * /path/to/php-cli /path/to/planet-code/scripts/aggregate.php