Alapatch is a Patch Editor for the KORG microKorg Synthesizer, that allows you to design patches in a web editor with an easy to use GUI.
Alapatch currently only supports loading and saving patch files in the .SYSEX format used internally in the microKORG, however future support for the .plg format may be a possibility. (because I need to reverse engineer it still.)
- implement React Redux Correctly
- finish implementing for each component
- finish one timbre as an example
- update state and components to handle multiple timbres
- implement switching between currently viewed timbre
- make a home screen!
- implement popup to confirm new patch if a patch is currently being worked on.
- add file dropper.
- style components (may restyle in later update)
- finish file loading and saving
- add testing cases
- add sending live updates thru midi (eventually. aim for 2.0.0)