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PLanetary Atmospheric Tool for Observer Noobs

codecov arXiv arXiv

Feb 24, 2025: PLATON v6.3 is out! The main difference from v6.2 is that we now include realistic emission from rocky surfaces using the emissivity library from Paragas et al 2025. The library contains 11 mineral compositions across 3 surface textures, and were obtained via lab reflectance measurements.

Oct 30, 2024: PLATON v6.2 is out, with major updates! This corresponds most closely to the version described in Zhang et al 2024. Major changes include GPU support, free retrievals, surface emission, higher-resolution (R=20k) and more up-to-date opacities, leave-one-out cross-validation, pymultinest, and much better plotting tools.

February 2, 2020: PLEASE re-clone your repository if you cloned it before this date! On this date, all data files were deleted from the repository, including from its history. This shrank the repository's size from 1.2 GB to 36 MB, which respects GitHub's size limit.

November 29, 2018: PLATON v3.0 is out! Please check the release notes on GitHub for the list of new features. Our paper actually describes v2.1, but v3 has a substantial number of improvements, and we strongly recommend everyone use it.

NEW (October 1): Version 2 is out, with a huge number of changes! Make sure to check out the release notes, and upgrade.

PLATON is a fast and easy to use forward modelling and retrieval tool for exoplanet atmospheres. It was written by Michael Zhang and Yayaati Chachan, and is based on ExoTransmit by Eliza Kempton.

We welcome any feedback. Please send any comments, suggestions, or bug reports to Michael Zhang: zmzhang "at" ** To find installation instructions and quickstart examples, read the documentation at:

Now, these points of data
make a beautiful line
And we're out of beta
We're releasing on time!