A simple VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) Python client
The idea is to embrace the Linux methodology and to have one VCO client that can be used within a complex workflow under Linux.
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] pip3 install vcoclient
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] export VCO_TOKEN='....'
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get
Branch1 Branch2 Branch3 Branch4
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z 2019-05-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-06-01T10:32:39.000Z 2019-06-01T16:10:54.000Z
activationTime 2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z 2019-04-19T17:17:51.000Z 2019-05-02T10:55:10.000Z 2019-05-02T19:18:20.000Z
alertsEnabled 1 1 1 1
buildNumber R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA
created 2019-04-19T15:48:50.000Z 2019-04-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-05-02T10:32:39.000Z 2019-05-02T16:10:54.000Z
... ... ... ... ...
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= login --username=super@domain.com --password
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get
Branch1 Branch2 Branch3 Branch4
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z 2019-05-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-06-01T10:32:39.000Z 2019-06-01T16:10:54.000Z
activationTime 2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z 2019-04-19T17:17:51.000Z 2019-05-02T10:55:10.000Z 2019-05-02T19:18:20.000Z
alertsEnabled 1 1 1 1
buildNumber R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA
created 2019-04-19T15:48:50.000Z 2019-04-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-05-02T10:32:39.000Z 2019-05-02T16:10:54.000Z
... ... ... ... ...
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= logout
It uses argparse and it is functional hooks. Each functional hook, is a mini method to accomplish something.
License | Version | ||
Downloads | |||
Wheel | Supported versions |
The matrix below gives one the vcoclient version on which VCO release it was tested against.
For sanity reasons, only the current VCO release will be used for testing and hence vcoclient (and the workflow_examples) will be updated/maintained accordingly. The current VCO release will be market as bold.
CAUTION: Using a different version of vcoclient against different VCO release, might cause unwanted results and is not recommended.
All tests where performed on a Linux and/or MacOS operation systems. There is no reason why it should not work with Windows but you have been warned.
VCO release | Tested with vcoclient version |
,4.x,5.x,6.x | 0.1.9 |
3.3.1-GA-20190819 | 0.1.8 |
3.3.0-GA-20190724 | 0.1.7 |
3.2.2-GA-20190606 | 0.1.4 and earlier |
To install the latest version use:
pip3 install vcoclient
To install a particular version, e.g. version 0.1.4 use:
pip3 install vcoclient==0.1.4
To influence program behaviour and avoiding using --
options, one can use global environment variables, for some of the options:
Name | Example Usage | Same as Using | Default Value |
VCO_HOST | export VCO_HOST="vco.domain.net" | vcoclient.py --vco="vco.domain.net" | None |
VCO_TOKEN (working only with 0.1.9+) | export VCO_TOKEN="yourtoken here" | None | |
VCO_USER | export VCO_USER="my_username@domain.net" | vcoclient.py login --username="my_username@domain.net" | None |
VCO_PASS | export VCO_PASS="MySuperSecretPassword" | vcoclient.py login --password="MySuperSecretPassword" | None |
VCO_COOKIE_PATH | export VCO_COOKIE_PATH="/path/where/I/save/cookies/" | None (yet) | /tmp/ |
VCO_VERIFY_SSL | export VCO_VERIFY_SSL="TRUE" | None (yet) | False |
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --help
usage: vcoclient.py [-h] --vco HOSTNAME [--output {pandas,json, csv}]
{login,logout,edges_get,sysprop_set} ...
A simple VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) client via Python
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--vco HOSTNAME Hostname/IP of VCO
--output {pandas,json,csv}
Pandas tables are used as default output method but
one can also use 'json' or csv
One can also use a special os variable called VCO_HOST for --vco
, without the need to input the hostname all the time, e.g.:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] export VCO_HOST=""
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py edges_get
Output to Shell with Pandas format
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= --output=pandas edges_get --search=Branch1
activationKey HS7S-QKPA-ZZCC-PG74
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z
activationState ACTIVATED
activationTime 2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z
Or in JSON
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= --output=json edges_get --search=Branch1 | python -m json.tool
"activationKey": {
"0": "HS7S-QKPA-ZZCC-PG74"
"activationKeyExpires": {
"0": "2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z"
"activationState": {
"activationTime": {
"0": "2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z"
or in CSV
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= --output=csv edges_get --search=Branch1
0,HS7S-QKPA-ZZCC-PG74,2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z,ACTIVATED,2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z,1,R322-20190212-GA,"[{'id': 5, 'created': '2019-04-28T11:55:39.000Z', 'csrId': 5, 'edgeId': 2, 'edgeSerialNumber': 'VMware-42372a8feed7928a-96a106d97231cc5b', 'enterpriseId': 1, 'certificate': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n4oFWVTQM5R0IQZTIbBwBHE0vkwHPbIV9RybYOm9aaT60NRSYLCqmboI=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n', 'serialNumber': 'CA81EFD6C7AE7C89', 'subjectKeyId': '4842e5f65f097aa56eb5e4d434341d63e91c1305', 'fingerPrint': '780ac499e5e4f2968c9b35d03bdc70ef87069050', 'validFrom': '2019-04-27T11:55:39.000Z', 'validTo': '2019-07-27T11:55:39.000Z'}, {'id': 6, 'created': '2019-04-28T12:18:30.000Z', 'csrId': 6, 'edgeId': 2, 'edgeSerialNumber':.
One needs to authenticate himself/herself via username and password to VCO. A user can be type "operator" or "enterprise" and hence has different rights in VCO.
Please note: Session cookie is getting created as soon as this method gets called. The session cookie gets saved under /tmp/<hostname>.txt
, and used later by new method calls (so one does not need to use the login method everytime). As the cookie has no expire date and VCO holds the time on the expiry of the session, it is recommended to execute login method every so often to ensure nothing gets broken over time.
Maybe to-do for the future, to store session time and check accordingly.
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py login --help
usage: vcoclient.py login [-h] --username USERNAME [--password PASSWORD]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--username USERNAME Username for Authentication
--password [PASSWORD]
Password for Authentication
--no-operator Per default we login as operator to VCO. If not, use
this flag
Either use the unsecure method to provide a password:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= login --username=super@domain.com --password=VeloCloud123
or use the more secure method to provide it:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= login --username=super@domain.com --password
or use VCO_USER and/or VCO_PASS environment variables to pass no login information to the script itself:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] export VCO_USER="super@domain.com"
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] export VCO_PASS="SuperSecretPassword"
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= login
The logout method logsout from VCO itself and deletes the session cookie stored under /tmp/<hostname>.txt
It is best practice to use it after done using different methods with vcoclient.py
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= logout
To get a list of all or filtered VeloCloud Edges (VCEs) from VCO. One can --search
per value, get only one --name
VCE and --filters
only given keys. Each of the methods (--name
, --filters
or --search
), one can use "|" to find for several values (e.g. to find several VCEs with names Branch1 or Branch2, use ``--name="Branch1|Branch2"). This gives one a powerful option to compare and evaluate several VCEs against each other and use those returned values for another workflow.
can be used to find all specify VCEs from specific customer in VCO. For msp based users this is a must to use.
Please note: --name
, --search
and --filters
are all doing a loose search rather then an exact match, meaning you will get more values then maybe requested but you do not need to be very specific for your search. Maybe as a to-do, give different options in the future.
usage: vcoclient.py edges_get [-h] [--name NAME] [--filters FILTERS]
[--search SEARCH] [--enterpriseid ID] [--rows_name]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Search Edge/Edges containing the given name
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search any data from properties of Edges, e.g. search for
USB interfaces
--enterpriseid ID Returns the Edges of only that given enterprise. Default
all Edges of all enterprises at operator view or all
Edges of an enterprise at customer view are returned.
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
To get all VCEs, with all values and keys, use default:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get
0 1 2 3
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z 2019-05-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-06-01T10:32:39.000Z 2019-06-01T16:10:54.000Z
activationTime 2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z 2019-04-19T17:17:51.000Z 2019-05-02T10:55:10.000Z 2019-05-02T19:18:20.000Z
alertsEnabled 1 1 1 1
buildNumber R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA
created 2019-04-19T15:48:50.000Z 2019-04-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-05-02T10:32:39.000Z 2019-05-02T16:10:54.000Z
... ... ... ... ...
or use --name
to filter one branch:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --name=Branch1
activationKey HS7S-QKPA-ZZCC-PG74
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z
activationState ACTIVATED
activationTime 2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z
alertsEnabled 1
buildNumber R322-20190212-GA
created 2019-04-19T15:48:50.000Z
... ...
or several:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --name="Branch1|Branch-2"
0 1
activationKey HS7S-QKPA-ZZCC-PG74 LHH3-8B4R-7XVJ-6J3V
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z 2019-05-19T16:58:53.000Z
activationTime 2019-04-28T11:55:38.000Z 2019-04-19T17:17:51.000Z
alertsEnabled 1 1
buildNumber R322-20190212-GA R322-20190212-GA
created 2019-04-19T15:48:50.000Z 2019-04-19T16:58:53.000Z
... ... ...
Another option is to filter a specific value out of the return with --filters
option, e.g. if one wants to filter activationKey and activationKeyExpires for all or some Edges:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --filters="activationKey|activationKeyExpires"
Branch1-HA Branch-2 Branch-3 Branch-4
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z 2019-05-19T16:58:53.000Z 2019-06-01T10:32:39.000Z 2019-06-01T16:10:54.000Z
or one can combine it with --name
as well to filter it more specific:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --filters="activationKey|activationKeyExpires" --name="Branch1|Branch-2"
Branch1-HA Branch-2
activationKey HS7S-QKPA-ZZCC-PG74 LHH3-8B4R-7XVJ-6J3V
activationKeyExpires 2019-05-28T11:53:33.000Z 2019-05-19T16:58:53.000Z
Even more, one can search for any value within the VCE properties with --search
, let see what if we want to see all values:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --search="*"
Branch1-HA ... Branch-4
certificates_0_certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDtTCCAp2gAwIBA... ... -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDtTCCAp2gAwIBA...
certificates_0_created 2019-04-28T11:55:39.000Z ... 2019-05-14T18:00:10.000Z
certificates_0_csrId 5 ... 8
certificates_0_edgeId 2 ... 5
certificates_0_edgeSerialNumber VMware-42372a8feed7928a-96a106d97231cc5b ... VMware-4237c421fc52ed55-3ed39a20fbc24354
certificates_0_enterpriseId 1 ... 1
certificates_0_fingerPrint 780ac499e5e4f2968c9b35d03bdc70ef87069050 ... af32143b2fee7e2bfca62ab0042244d7cb7f7e5e
certificates_0_id 5 ... 8
certificates_0_serialNumber CA81EFD6C7AE7C89 ... D4C2500333FE1757
In the background --search
flattens the returned JSON and returns all values when *
used. One can however, search for specific values as well, e.g. lets search for interface properties with 191. or 10. IPs:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --search="191.|10."
Branch1-HA Branch-2 Branch-3 Branch-4
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_0_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_1_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN
configuration_enterprise_modules_1_edgeSpecific... NaN NaN NaN
links_0_displayName NaN
links_0_ipAddress NaN
links_1_displayName NaN NaN
links_1_ipAddress NaN NaN
links_2_ipAddress NaN NaN NaN
links_3_ipAddress NaN NaN NaN
and filter the 'ipAddress' column only for all VCEs (Branch1-HA, Branch-2, Branch-3 or Branch-4):
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --vco= edges_get --search="191.|10." --filters="ipAddress"
Branch1-HA Branch-2 Branch-3 Branch-4
links_0_ipAddress NaN
links_1_ipAddress NaN NaN
links_2_ipAddress NaN NaN NaN
links_3_ipAddress NaN NaN NaN
All those outputs can be then converted into CSV or JSON.
To get a list of all VCEs as a MSP/Partner or as operator one can use msp_customers_get
or operator_customers_get
. Same as edges_get method, one can use --search
. --filters
and --names
to narrow down the result accordingly.
The help output for msp_customers_get
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py msp_customers_get --help
usage: vcoclient.py msp_customers_get [-h] [--name NAME] [--filters FILTERS]
[--search SEARCH] [--rows_name]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Search Enterprise/Enterprises containing the given name
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search any data from properties of customers, e.g. search
for particular edge
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
and the help output for òperator_custmers_get
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py operator_customers_get --help
usage: vcoclient.py operator_customers_get [-h] [--name NAME]
[--filters FILTERS]
[--search SEARCH] [--rows_name]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Search Enterprise/Enterprises containing the given name
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search any data from properties of customers, e.g. search
for particular edge
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
Here an example (customer names and account numbers obscured on purpose):
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py msp_customers_get --search="*"
POC Customer Test ... Customer 5 Customer 4
alertsEnabled 1 1 ... 1 1
city NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
contactEmail NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
contactMobile NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
contactName NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
contactPhone NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
country NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
created 2017-10-09T13:47:29.000Z 2018-02-01T21:56:50.000Z ... 2019-05-17T18:11:40.000Z 2019-06-20T15:52:27.000Z
description NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
domain NaN NaN ... NaN NaN
This method will give one the ability to get all/some gateways behind a given customer
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py enterprise_get_gateway --help
usage: vcoclient.py enterprise_get_gateway [-h] --enterpriseid ENTERPRISEID
[--name NAME]
[--filters FILTERS]
[--search SEARCH] [--rows_name]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Search for a given column name
--enterpriseid ENTERPRISEID
Get gateways associated to an enterprise
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search any data from properties of customers, e.g.
search for particular edge
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
Get the gateways associated to that enterprise:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py enterprise_get_gateway --enterpriseid=26
vcg115-xxx1 vcg101-xxx2 vcg133-xxx1 vcg104-xxx2
address xxx.193.30.11 xxx.193.31.36 xxx.193.29.52 xxx.193.28.72
This method will give one the ability to get all/some edges behind a given gateway
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py gateway_get_edges --help
usage: vcoclient.py gateway_get_edges [-h] --gatewayid GATEWAYID [--name NAME]
[--filters FILTERS] [--search SEARCH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Search for a given column name
--gatewayid GATEWAYID
Get edges associated to a gateway
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search any data from properties of customers, e.g.
search for particular edge
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
Get all edges behind gateway (output hidden):
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py --gatewayid 5
Alpharetta xxxxxxx Dallas xxxx
activationKey 3WCR-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 3MQZ-xxx-xxxx-xxx
activationKeyExpires 2018-10-20T13:26:00.000Z 2018-04-06T02:11:14.000Z
activationTime 2018-05-25T00:02:08.000Z 2018-03-07T18:50:44.000Z
alertsEnabled 1 1
buildNumber R321-20181018-GA-27175-28009 R320-20180409-GA
city Phoenix Dallas
country US US
created 2018-04-04T20:51:55.000Z 2018-03-07T02:11:14.000Z
One can get the link metric of a particular VCE for a given time.
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py edge_get_lm --help
usage: vcoclient.py edge_get_lm [-h] [--filters FILTERS] [--search SEARCH]
--edgeid EDGEID [--enterpriseid ENTERPRISEID]
--starttime STARTTIME [--endtime ENDTIME]
Collect link statistics for a VCE between a given period.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search for the metric value
--edgeid EDGEID Get information for that specific Edge. Edgeid can be
found under edges_get method under id.
--enterpriseid ENTERPRISEID
Get information for that specific Edge in that
specific customer. EnterpriseId can be either found
from *_customers_get method under id or edges_get
method under enterpriseId.
--starttime STARTTIME
The start time from when one wants to get the data.
Format is in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.
--endtime ENDTIME The end time from when one wants to get the data.
Format is in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. End time
is default to time now.
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
Get the metric of all the links of a given edge from a given customer in the past until now:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py edge_get_lm --edgeid=1712 --enterpriseid=214 --starttime="2019-07-21"
bestJitterMsRx 0.0708 0.429
bestJitterMsTx 0.0007 0.0677
bestLatencyMsRx 5.9113 5.6578
bestLatencyMsTx 8.2916 9.771
bestLossPctRx 1.00436 0.009067
bestLossPctTx 0.992402 0.010039
bpsOfBestPathRx 10000000 5000000
bpsOfBestPathTx 10000000 5000000
bytesRx 6756806035 942812687
bytesTx 5831454620 1543851068
controlBytesRx 3161065177 798578528
controlBytesTx 4174190874 1477374932
controlPacketsRx 28229649 7410590
controlPacketsTx 28763213 9038440
link_networkType ETHERNET ETHERNET
link_operatorAlertsEnabled 1 1
link_serviceState IN_SERVICE IN_SERVICE
link_state STABLE STABLE
link_vpnState STABLE STABLE
p1BytesRx 9879820 19802676
p1BytesTx 98164614 40242590
p1PacketsRx 53984 111780
p1PacketsTx 144023 86695
p2BytesRx 1342611884 123590823
p2BytesTx 988377584 25282998
p2PacketsRx 1806817 510994
p2PacketsTx 2058099 57703
p3BytesRx 2243249154 840660
p3BytesTx 570721548 950548
p3PacketsRx 12891737 2738
p3PacketsTx 3279254 3994
packetsRx 42982187 8036102
packetsTx 34244589 9186832
scoreRx 4.33582 4.39847
scoreTx 4.33613 4.39684
signalStrength 0 0
totalBytes 12588260655 2486663755
totalPackets 77226776 17222934
One can get the link metrics of all VCEs of a given enterprise.
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py edge_get_agg_lm --help
usage: vcoclient.py edges_get_agg_lm [-h] [--enterpriseid ENTERPRISEID]
--starttime STARTTIME [--endtime ENDTIME]
[--name NAME] [--filters FILTERS]
[--search SEARCH] [--rows_name] [--stats]
Collect aggregated link statistics for several VCEs between a given period
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--enterpriseid ENTERPRISEID
Get information for that specific Edge in that
specific customer. EnterpriseId can be either found
from *_customers_get method under id or edges_get
method under enterpriseId.
--starttime STARTTIME
The start time from when one wants to get the data.
Format is in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.
--endtime ENDTIME The end time from when one wants to get the data.
Format is in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.
--name NAME Search column which contains the given name
--filters FILTERS Returns only given filters out of the returned value.
Default all values are returned
--search SEARCH Search any value within the return, e.g. search for
USB interfaces
--rows_name Returns only the row names from the output result.
--stats Returns the statistics of the datastructure
Get the metric of all the links of a given edge from a given customer in the past until now:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py edges_get_agg_lm --enterpriseid=214 --starttime="2019-10-04"
GE3 GE4 ... GE4 GE4
bestJitterMsRx 0 0 ... 0 0
bestJitterMsTx 0 0 ... 1 0
bestLatencyMsRx 28 30 ... 14 13
bestLatencyMsTx 36 37 ... 9 5
bestLossPctRx 0 0 ... 0 0
bestLossPctTx 0 0 ... 0 0
bpsOfBestPathRx 200000000 200000000 ... 30114000 98408000
bpsOfBestPathTx 200000000 200000000 ... 1392000 10185000
bytesRx 813833 144354 ... 560482 922079
bytesTx 901650 171777 ... 736663 874260
controlBytesRx 683561 144354 ... 399858 435730
controlBytesTx 820243 171777 ... 736663 512154
controlPacketsRx 5906 2398 ... 5543 4928
controlPacketsTx 5747 2399 ... 5865 4752
linkId 3163 3166 ... 37009 38690
System properties of VCO can be changed/added. Only applicable at "operator" mode but needed for on-premiss installation of VCO.
Please Note: Some system properties can break VCO and use this method carefully.
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py sysprop_set --help
usage: vcoclient.py sysprop_set [-h] --name NAME --value VALUE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Name of the new/edit system property
--value VALUE New value of the system property
Enable google API for VCO:
[iddoc@homeserver:/scripts] vcoclient.py sysprop_set --name=service.client.googleMapsApi.enable --value=true
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- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Pull Request