This project is an API designed for managing sales-related operations. It provides endpoints to handle various aspects of sales such as cashiers, categories, discounts, orders, payments, payment types, and products.
- Cashier Management: Allows the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of cashiers. Cashiers can be created with a name, email address, phone number, and password. They can also be retrieved by their cashiers. Cashiers have a name cashiers.
- Category Management: Provides functionalities to manage product categories.
- Discount Management: Enables the management of discounts on products.
- Order Management: Facilitates the creation and tracking of orders.
- Payment Management: Handles different types of payments and payment methods. Product Management: Manages product details including stock, price, and categories. Technologies Used
- Golang: The backend of the API is implemented using Go programming language.
- Gorm: Gorm is used as the ORM library to interact with the database.
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT): JWT is used for authentication and authorization purposes.
- SQLite:SQLite database is used to store data related to cashiers, categories, discounts, orders, payments, payment types, and products.
Clone the repository. Install dependencies using
go mod tidy
Configure the MySQL database connection in the .env file. Run the application using go
run main.go