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dds / ddsiio / ddsfx

GitHub License Repo Size Maven Central - dds Maven Central - ddsiio Maven Central - ddsfx Gradle Build

Read dds images (DirectDrawSurface), an image format made by Microsoft for DirectX.


  • DdsFile (dds module, basic routines to load a dds file into memory)
  • Java BufferedImage (ddsiio module, this is the one you want)
  • JavaFX Image (ddsfx module, obsolete starting with JavaFX 24)

Currently targeting Java 21+ and JavaFX 21+.


  • contains the reading logic and api


  • adds dds support to ImageIO automatically
  • this requires the java.desktop module



This module is no longer required as of JavaFX 24, one can use ddsiio instead! JavaFX will plug into ImageIO and use those providers automatically.

  • adds dds support for JavaFX Image
  • one needs to call io.github.ititus.ddsfx.DdsFx.setup() once to register the format
  • this requires the java.desktop module (via ddsiio) and JavaFX
  • JavaFX needs to be included separately, there is no transitive dependency
  • if you have problems with duplicate JavaFX dependencies see openjfx/javafx-gradle-plugin#65
  • when including this in a modular build you will need to add the following compile and run options:
    • --add-export
    • --add-export