HighLightPro Public
A highlight lib and also it can be a simple popup window lib for android
ComposeCookBook Public
Forked from Gurupreet/ComposeCookBookA Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2023 -
compose-samples Public
Forked from android/compose-samplesOfficial Jetpack Compose samples.
architecture-components-samples Public
Forked from wbinarytree/android-architecture-componentsSamples for Android Architecture Components.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 7, 2022 -
wanandroid-mvvm Public
A sample project of WanAndroid. The architecture of project is rxjava mvvm and kotlin coroutines mvvm.If you are not very familiar with mvvm, this project is a good sample for you to study.
IOSProgressBar Public
IOSProgressBar is a progress-bar lib for android. And the progress-bar looks like iOS system style
ViewPager2Sample Public
A viewPager2 sample from android developer. In addition I add a NestedScrollRecyclerView for deal with scroll conflicts ( A same scroll direction recyclerView in viewPager2)
EpoxySample Public
Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView, And this project is a sample of it.Basic Usage and depth usage all show in this project. If this project help you or you …
android-dev-challenge-compose Public
Forked from guolindev/android-dev-challenge-composeThis is a challenge app for adopting puppies written by Jetpack Compose.
AudioSample Public
The audio sample is complete with Google's MediaBrowserService. More infos you can visit the website of android developer
Kotlin UpdatedDec 17, 2020 -