$ git clone [email protected]:Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi.git
$ npm install
$ node app.js
$ npm instll
$ npm build
- How to send http request:
- Api is a generic REST Api handler;
- ionic.config.json proxy declaration http host;
- Components dynamic order:
- ViewContainerRef instantiate the container;
- use componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory to instantiate dynamic components;
- container.createComponent to add the dynamic components to the container in order;
- use Dragula to dynamic ordering of dragging;
- How to refresh or infinite in some of slides
- scroll list divider(position : sticky)
- watch ionScroll to get realtime rolling(notice : use ngZone to change variable);
- use scrollTo to collapse the list and scroll to the divider;
- hot-code-push
- change the .chcpenv
"content_url": "http://host:port",
"config_url" : "http://host:port/chcp.json"
- add the config.xml
<config-file url="http://host:port/chcp.json" />
<auto-download enabled="true" />
<auto-install enabled="true" />
- run the command
cordova-hcp build;
get the cordova-hcp.json
"name": "cloudMusic",
"ios_identifier": "",
"android_identifier": "",
"update": "start",
"content_url": "http://host:port"
- copy www folder to the your host server;
- hook to replace proxy;
- code in config.xml
<hook src="hooks/before_build/replaceProxy.js" type="before_run" />
- in the replaceProxy.js to replace the proxy in the main.js