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Create pages

Kristin Antin edited this page May 4, 2017 · 11 revisions

In your settings, you can create static pages to your Uwazi document collection. You want to add a page that explains what the collection is, or shares your contact information.

  1. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the site

Gear icon

  1. Click on Pages

Create pages

  1. Click on Add page to create a new page. You can use markdown to add formatting to your text. When finished click Save.

Add content to your page

  1. You can find the URL for each page you create by clicking on the page title itself in the list under the Pages section, or by copying the URL that appears in the window after clicking Save:

Find URL

Formatting the content of your page

You can use markdown syntax to add images, lists, headers, quotes, and other formatting preferences. For help on using markdown, click on the Help tab above the text field for the page.

markdown help

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