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Test color modes

The background color should be #ffffff for light mode and #0d1117 for dark mode.


Rough.js is a small (<9kB gzipped) graphics library that lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style. The library defines primitives to draw lines, curves, arcs, polygons, circles, and ellipses. It also supports drawing SVG paths.

Rough.js works with both Canvas and SVG.

Rough.js sample

@RoughLib on Twitter.


The latest Rough.js can be downloaded from the dist folder.

or from npm:

npm install --save roughjs


Rough.js rectangle

const rc = rough.canvas(document.getElementById('canvas'));
rc.rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200); // x, y, width, height

or SVG

const rc = rough.svg(svg);
let node = rc.rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200); // x, y, width, height

Lines and Ellipses

Rough.js rectangle, 120, 50); // centerX, centerY, diameter
rc.ellipse(300, 100, 150, 80); // centerX, centerY, width, height
rc.line(80, 120, 300, 100); // x1, y1, x2, y2


Rough.js rectangle, 50, 80, { fill: 'red' }); // fill with red hachure
rc.rectangle(120, 15, 80, 80, { fill: 'red' });, 150, 80, {
  fill: "rgb(10,150,10)",
  fillWeight: 3 // thicker lines for hachure
rc.rectangle(220, 15, 80, 80, {
  fill: 'red',
  hachureAngle: 60, // angle of hachure,
  hachureGap: 8
rc.rectangle(120, 105, 80, 80, {
  fill: 'rgba(255,0,200,0.2)',
  fillStyle: 'solid' // solid fill

Fill styles can be: hachure(default), solid, zigzag, cross-hatch, dots, dashed, or zigzag-line

Rough.js fill examples

Sketching style

Rough.js rectangle

rc.rectangle(15, 15, 80, 80, { roughness: 0.5, fill: 'red' });
rc.rectangle(120, 15, 80, 80, { roughness: 2.8, fill: 'blue' });
rc.rectangle(220, 15, 80, 80, { bowing: 6, stroke: 'green', strokeWidth: 3 });

SVG Paths

Rough.js paths

rc.path('M80 80 A 45 45, 0, 0, 0, 125 125 L 125 80 Z', { fill: 'green' });
rc.path('M230 80 A 45 45, 0, 1, 0, 275 125 L 275 80 Z', { fill: 'purple' });
rc.path('M80 230 A 45 45, 0, 0, 1, 125 275 L 125 230 Z', { fill: 'red' });
rc.path('M230 230 A 45 45, 0, 1, 1, 275 275 L 275 230 Z', { fill: 'blue' });

SVG Path with simplification:

Rough.js texas map Rough.js texas map


Rough.js US map

View examples here

API & Documentation

Full Rough.js API


Some of the core algorithms were adapted from handy processing lib.

Algorithm to convert SVG arcs to Canvas described here was adapted from Mozilla codebase


MIT License (c) Preet Shihn

Color Syntax Example Output
HEX `#RRGGBB` `#0969DA` Rendered supported color model in HEX format.
RGB `rgb(R,G,B)` `rgb(9, 105, 218)` Rendered supported color model in RGB format.
HSL `hsl(H,S,L)` `hsl(212, 92%, 45%)` Rendered supported color model in HSL format.
HEX `#RRGGBB` `#0969DA` #0969DA
RGB `rgb(R,G,B)` `rgb(9, 105, 218)` rgb(9, 105, 218)
HSL `hsl(H,S,L)` `hsl(212, 92%, 45%)` hsl(212, 92%, 45%)