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LʌvDB is your self-hosted inner space. Primarily a media cataloging app, it centers on books and periodicals, movies and series, music, podcasts, audiobooks, and games. The app features an activity feed that allows you to share your media check-ins with friends. Additionally, it supports microblogging (Say), blogging (Post), bookmarking (Pin), and curating lists of in-site content (List).

Screenshots / Features

Activity Feed (Home Page)


A purely reverse chronological feed displays your activity on the site. You can send updates as a "Say" directly from the feed or link to the page to create a "Post," a "Pin" (bookmark), or a "List". The feed can be filtered by various kind of Check-ins (Read, Watch, Listen, Play and Visit), or by content type (Say, Post, Pin and Repost).

Profile page


A profile page displays your progress. You can set it to public or private (only logged-in users can see it).

Recent page of the Read App


The recent page shows the current trending and most recent additions to the Read app.

Book Detail of the Read App


On the book page, you can check in your fleeting thoughts and progress while you read.

Creator Detail


We can curate a comprehensive bibliography, filmography, discography, and gameography for creators with linked data.


  • LʌvDB offers comprehensive RSS support. If you set your profile to public, others can subscribe to your activity feed, or to specific content such as your Say, Post, or Pin, and even your updates with a specific hashtag, using RSS readers.
  • You can cross-post activities to Mastodon and BlueSky using built-in cross-posters.

You can read more about the Making-of LʌvDB here.

Live Sneak Peek

You can also explore LʌvDB at This instance is currently reserved for friends and is not accepting new registrations. Before deciding to spin up your own instance, you can familiarize yourself with the app through the following pages:

Testing Locally

First, clone this repository:

git clone

Then, download the latest datadump, unzip it, and replace the media and static folders with the one in the datadump folder, and place the datadump_anonymized.json in the repo folder. After than, run the following commands:

# Creating a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Installing dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Initializing environment
touch .env
python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(f"SECRET_KEY={get_random_secret_key()}\nFERNET_KEY={get_random_secret_key()}")' > .env
echo "DEBUG=True" >> .env

# Running Django migrations
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.development python makemigrations
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.development python migrate

# Load datadump with an anonymous superuser
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.development python loaddata datadump_anonymized.json
# and/or create your own superuser
# DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.development python createsuperuser

# Starting server
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.development python runserver

The anonymized data dump will only be updated infrequently. There's a default superuser "anonymous" and its password is also "anonymous", but you can also create a new superuser as you like.