is a Python module to create inputs / read outputs of FEMTIC, a 3-D magnetotelluric inversion code (Usui, 2015).
is a python module that allows to:
- create the input observed data file from a list of .edi files
- prepare the files required to generate a mesh
- read, plot and QC the result of the inversion
The workflow consists in:
- Create topography, bathymetry and coast line files using the notebook
- Create input files to create the mesh and inversion files using the notebook
- Create the mesh using the pipeline
, that calls the Pre/post-processing tools (available on FEMTIC Repo) - Run the inversion using
, that calls thefemtic
executable - Analyse and plot the inversion results using the notebook
The module can be used using the Jupyter notebooks provided in the examples directory. 3 examples are provided:
- A real data example in examples/auslamp, to create a mesh in a coastal area, run the inversion and QC inversion results (.edi files can be found on the Geological Survey of South Australia website: https://www.energymining.sa.gov.au/industry/geological-survey/gssa-projects/em-geophysics)
- a synthetic MMT data example in examples/mmt, to create a mesh in a full marine environment using real bathymetry data
- a synthetic land MT example examples/synthetic, toy example that can be run quickly to test the inversion of Z and VTF data
- Models can be visualized in Paraview
- The directory structure for each new project has to be copied from the
directory - The edi files read well when exported from winglink or geotools, other formats can cause problems
- The following codes must be compiled:
- femtic (inversion executable)
- makeMtr (Pre/post-processing tools)
- makeTetraMesh (Pre/post-processing tools)
- tetgen (https://github.com/libigl/tetgen)
- pyproj
- rdp
- shapely
- pandas > 1.5
Y. Usui, 3-D inversion of magnetotelluric data using unstructured tetrahedral elements: applicability to data affected by topography, Geophys. J. Int., 202 (2): 828-849, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggv186, 2015).
Y. Usui, Y. Ogawa, K. Aizawa, W. Kanda, T. Hashimoto, T. Koyama, Y. Yamaya and T. Kagiyama, Three-dimensional resistivity structure of Asama Volcano revealed by data-space magnetotelluric inversion using unstructured tetrahedral elements, Geophys. J. Int., 208 (3): 1359-1372, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggw459, 2017.
Y. Usui, T. Kasaya, Y. Ogawa and H. Iwamoto, Marine magnetotelluric inversion with an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, Geophys. J. Int., 214(2): 952-974, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggy171, 2018.
Manual_Of_FEMTIC_v4.1.pdf (https://github.com/yoshiya-usui/femtic/tree/main/doc)
How_To_Make_Tetra_Mesh_For_FEMTIC.pdf (https://github.com/yoshiya-usui/makeTetraMesh/tree/master/doc)