is the younger & more energetic version of poolboy
It's still the lightweight, generic pooling library with focus on simplicity, performance, and rock-solid disaster recovery that we all love...
...but it has just gotten a much needed facelift!
Add :pool_lad
as a dependency to your project's mix.exs
defp deps do
{:pool_lad, "~> 0.0.5"}
The full documentation is published on hex.
The APIs are almost identical to those of :poolboy
Via manual ownership:
iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = PoolLad.borrow(MyWorkerPool)
{:ok, #PID<0.229.0>}
iex(2)> GenServer.call(pid, :get_latest_count)
{:ok, 42}
iex(3)> PoolLad.return(MyWorkerPool, pid)
Via transactional ownership:
iex(1)> PoolLad.transaction(
fn pid -> GenServer.call(pid, :get_latest_count) end
{:ok, 42}
defmodule MyWorker do
@moduledoc false
use GenServer
@this_module __MODULE__
def start_link(opts), do: GenServer.start_link(@this_module, opts)
@impl true
def init(opts) do
initial_colours = Keyword.get(opts, :initial_colours, [])
{:ok, initial_colours}
@impl true
def handle_call(:get_random_colour, _from, colours) do
colour = Enum.random(colours)
{:reply, colour, colours}
pool_opts = [
name: MyWorkerPool,
worker_count: 3,
worker_module: MyWorker
worker_opts = [initial_colours: ~w(red green blue)a]
children = [
PoolLad.child_spec(pool_opts, worker_opts)
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Via manual ownership:
iex(1)> {:ok, worker} = PoolLad.borrow(MyWorkerPool)
{:ok, #PID<0.256.0>}
iex(2)> GenServer.call(worker, :get_random_colour)
iex(3)> PoolLad.return(MyWorkerPool, worker)
Via transactional ownership:
iex(1)> PoolLad.transaction(
...(1)> MyWorkerPool,
...(1)> fn worker -> GenServer.call(worker, :get_random_colour) end
...(1)> )
- Elixir-first
- Modern APIs, e.g.
- Less code, less pesky logs, less noise
- More documentation
- Same performance
- Maintained
- 0 dependencies
A quick and dirty tech-debt tracker, used in conjunction with Issues.
- Add overflow functionality
- Beautify PoolLad over :poolboy section